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Radio Amanecer Internacional


The following item is taken from Relampago DX #115 (March 2000) by Takayuki Inoue Nozaki. It is placed here with permission.

The shortwave transmission of Radio Amanecer was first traced by DX enthusiasts on August 23, 1987, one day just after it commenced operations on 6025.0 kHz in the 49 meter band. At that time, the station broadcast on shortwave at 1000-0300, parallel with the medium wave outlet on 1570 kHz. It has been extremely difficult to pick up the signal of Radio Amanecer for Japanese radio monitoring hobbyists, due to strong interference from the several international powerhouse stations around the channel. However, the station is one of the most easily audible Caribbean broadcasters for one living in the United States and European countries.

On December 28, 1998, I went to visit Radio Amanecer International, a unique missionary broadcaster currently transmitting on shortwave from the Dominican Republic. The station facilities were on the third floor in the building of "la Asociaci�n Central Dominicana de los Adventistas del S�ptimo D�a" (the Central Dominican Association of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church), located at Calle Juan S�nchez Ram�rez No. 40 at the corner of Avenida M�ximo G�mez in front of the Haitian Embassy. The main entrance of the building had no sign for Radio Amanecer other than the sign of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. However, the tall antenna towers rising from the rooftop convinced me that there was a radio station inside the building. I asked at the reception desk where was the station, and then I was told to go up to the second floor through another entrance at the back of the building. Seeing a small metal plaque with the words "Radio Amanecer Internacional" in white on a blue background, I entered inside to look for someone who could help me. After waiting for a while, Omar de Medina, a technical staff member, came to show me around the station facilities.

The station facilities consisted of a music library, a director's office, a recording studio, and a studio which is separated by walls with a large plate glass window into an announcer cabin and an operating studio. The operating studio was equipped with a console mixer made by Ing. S�crates Dom�nguez, three "TASCAM" 302 model cassette decks, "Sony" brand cassette deck, "TASCAM" brand MD deck MD-301, and a microphone. As the operators utilized cassette tapes and MDs as their main source of program material, the studio had no turntables. The announcer cabin is installed with soundproof walls, equipped with two microphones.

On November 22, 1982, Radio Amanecer was founded by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church under the direction of Pastor Marcerino Pe�a and Pastor F�lix Tav�rez, for the purpose of cultural orientation, education and Christianity promotion. The station was authorized under the callsign HIAJ to transmit on the frequency of 1570 kHz with an output power of 1 kW, on which Radio Uni�n had formerly operated for years. The studios and offices were established inside the building of the Central Dominican Association of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church) at Calle Juan S�nchez Ram�rez No. 40 in Santo Domingo. The transmitting plant was installed at Hacienda Do�a Cilia, Haras Nacionales, Villa Mella, about 22 kilometers away north of the center of Santo Domingo. Programming is fed from the studios to the transmitter site by a 30 watt VHF transmitter.

In May of 1983, Radio Amanecer increased output power to 5 kW on medium wave in order to expand its national coverage. On August 22, 1987 at 14:00 local time, the station commenced shortwave transmissions on the frequency of 6025 kHz with 1 kW for the audience living in obstacle areas unable to receive the medium wave signal in the Dominican Republic and also in neighboring Caribbean countries. Both transmitting units were desgined and manufactured by Ing. S�crates Dom�nguez, the chief engineer of the station. In recent year, a powerful "Nautel" brand transmitter of 10 kW was purchased for the medium wave outlet, and is currently the main on-air unit, but another 5 kW transmitter is used on occasion for standby, and also in case of emergency.

The station currently identifies itself as "Radio Amanecer International" because the shortwave service is well heard around the world. The station employs six announcers, two operators, and two engineers, and runs at 1000-0300 simultaneously on 1570 kHz medium wave and 6025 kHz on shortwave from Santo Domingo. The station also carries its daily programs through relay stations in two major cities in the Dominican Republic: The relay station HIJR broadcasts on 610 kHz with 5 kW in Santiago to cover the central Cibao region; The relay station HIRV broadcasts on 1060 kHz with 1 kW in San Pedro de Macor�s to cover the western part of the country. The previous channel was formerly utilized by Radio Acci�n, and the later one was utilized by Radio Mar until Radio Amanecer obtained the licenses in 1997. Both relay stations are currently equipped with transmitting equipment built by Ing. S�crates Dom�nguez.

Opening announcement
"Amigos oyentes muy buenos d�as. Radio Amanecer Internacional que transmite en los 1570 kc onda media y 6025 kc onda corta banda internacional de 49 metros, inicia sus labores en este d�a. A partir de estos instantes estaremos transmitiendo para llevar a trav�s de nuestra programaci�n, un mensaje de amor, unidad y esperanza en Cristo Jes�s. Radio Amanecer Ineternacional transmite desde Santo Domingo, capital de la Rep�blica Dominicana por una potente antena polidireccional de 5/8 de onda y un 1/4 en onda corta. En este amanecer, rogamos a Dios derrame abundantes bendiciones sobre cada oyente y permiten a nazca en sus corazones la esperanza de una vida mejor."

Closing announcement
"Radio Amanecer Internacional transmitiendo desde Santo Domingo, cuna del nuevo mundo, concluye su transmisi�n por este d�a. Durante 17 horas, hemos transmitido para ustedes un mensaje de amor, unidad y esperanza en Cristo Jes�s. A nombre de personal t�cnico, art�stico y administrativo, agradecemos la amabilidad de su atenci�n. Les invitamos para que vuelvan a sintonizarnos ma�ana a partir de las 6 de la ma�ana hora local de Rep�blica Dominicana. Es nuestro m�s ferviente y sincero deseo que la amor, la paz, la comuni�n del padre, del hijo y del espir�tu santo sean con ustedes. Muy buenas noches."

Technical Information

HIIJ 6025 kHz: is equipped with a transmitter manufactured by Ing. S�crates Dom�nguez in 1987 (maximum output 1 kW/generally 0.5 kW), and a 1/2 wave dipole antenna (11.8 meters high above the ground with 120 radiation).
HIAJ 1570 kHz: is equipped with a "Nautel" transmitter (10 kW) and a standby transmitter manufactured by Ing. S�crates Dom�nguez (5 kW) in 1987 and a polidireccional antenna of 5/8 wave (100 meters high above the ground).
HIJR 610 kHz: The relay station in Santiago is equipped with a transmitter manufactured by Ing. S�crates Dom�nguez (5 kW) in 1997 and a 1/4 vertical antenna (122 meters high above the ground).
HIRV 1060 kHz: The relay station in San Pedro de Macor�s is equipped with a transmitter manufactured by Ing. S�crates Dom�nguez and a 1/4 vertical antenna (71 meters high above the ground).

Transmitter site: Hacienda Do�a Cilia, Haras Nacionales, Villa Mella, Santo Domingo, Rep�blica Dominicana.
Studio: Calle Juan S�nchez Ram�rez No. 40, esquina Avenida M�ximo G�mez, Sector de Gascue, Santo Domingo, Rep�blica Dominicana.
Mail address: Apartado 4680, Santo Domingo, Rep�blica Dominicana. E-mail address:


06:00 Himno Nacional Dominicano
06:03 Identificaci�n de la Emisora
06:04 Oraci�n de Gracias a nuestro Dios
06:05 Inicio Amanecer de Inspiraci�n
06:07 M�sica
06:10 Lectura de reflexi�n (matutina)
06:20 Radio Amanecer en Estudio (estudio sistem�tico de la Santa Palabra de Dios.
06:40 A�o B�blico (Lectura Inextenso de la santa palabra de Dios)
06:58 Final de Amanecer de Inspiraci�n
07:00 Identificaci�n de la Emisora
07:02 Meditaciones Paulinas
07:30 Identificaci�n de la Emisora
07:32 Radio Amanecer en el Tr�nsito
08:00 Identificaci�n e Inicio de la "Ma�ana Feliz"
08:10 Informe del Tiempo (Internet y/o diarios matutinos)
08:20 Nuestro Comentario del D�a, con un Tema de Inter�s General
08:30 Identificaci�n de la Emisora
08:31 Corto Radial "Para Ti Mujer" con Mar�a Miranda
08:40 Capsulas Cientificas (Programas USIS)
08:45 La Biblia en las Noticias
08:50 Agenda de Actividades
09:00 Aniversario y Peticiones
09:30 Opiniones de Nuestros Oyentes.
10:05 Devocional para Jovenes
10:15 2da. Emisi�n Estudio Sistem�tico de la Biblia
10:35 La Cocina Fuente de Salud
10:50 La Libertad Bajo Fuego
11:00 Conversando en Familia
11:30 Mensajes para los Jovenes.
12:00 Himno Nacional Dominicano/Himno Adventista (M�s all� del sol)
12:05 Un Momento de Meditci�n y Oraci�n
12:15 Buenas Tardes, Buen Provecho
12:45 Agenda de Informaciones y Actividades
13:00 Revista de Noticias (HECHOS Y NOTICIAS)
13:30 Tu Historia Preferida
14:00 Bloque de Variedades, Introducci�n
14:01 Canci�n de la Semana
14:10 Tesoros para Ni�os
14:35 Curiosidades Biblicas
14:50 Un Salmo para el Alma
15:00 Canci�n de la Semana
15:10 Doctrinas Biblicas
15:25 Omar Canal (Comentario - Temas diversos)
15:50 El Personaje de la Tarde
16:00 Canci�n de la Semana
16:10 Estudio Sistem�tico de la Biblia Lecci�n para los jovenes
16:30 El Abuelito Jim (programa para ni�os)
16:45 Reflexi�n y Variedades (locutor de turno)
16:55 Fin del Bloque de Variedades
17:00 Radio Amanecer en Estudio
17:15 Lunes: Maritza con los Ni�os Martes: Educaci�n y comunidad Mi�rcoles: La Vida Nuestra Jueves: Cumbre en el Planeta Viernes: Cuentame una Historia
17:45 Martes, Viernes: M�sica e Informaciones.
18:00 La Voz de la Esperanza
18:30 Informaciones y Actividades (Lunes a Jueves)
18:45 Lunes a S�bado: Un S�bado para Recordar y Programa Puesta de Sol
19:00 Lunes a Jueves: Rumbo al Exito Viernes: Mensaje del Presidente de La Uni�n
19:30 Lunes y Mi�rcoles: Club de Oraci�n y Beneficencia Martes: Orientaci�n Medica Jueves: Orientaci�n Ministerial Viernes: La Voz de la Juventud/Avanzada Juvenil Adventista.
20:00 M�sica de Reflexi�n
20:10 El Camino Mejor (Disertaci�n)
21:00 Ecos del Paraiso
21:30 Pastores y Laicos en Acci�n
22:45 A�o B�blico
23:00 Meditaciones Paulinas
23:30 Memorias del Pasado
24:00 Cierre e Himno Nacional

Nota: Algunas lecciones como "Alguien dijo" y "Curiosidades", no tienen horas fijas para ser pasadas.

06:00 Himno Nacional Dominicano
06:05 Oraci�n de Gracias
06:07 Amanecer de Inspiraci�n
07:00 Cantemos Nuestros Himnos
07:30 Paraiso Infantil
07:45 La Revista Semanal
08:15 Repaso de la Lecci�n de Escuela Sabatica
08:45 M�sica Especial de S�bado
09:15 Retransmisi�n Uni�n Dominicana o La Vida Nuestra
09:45 M�sica Especial de S�bado
10:00 Cita con el Salmista Sagrado
10:30 Restauremos la Familia
11:00 La Iglesia en su Hogar
12:00 Instrumentales, Pensamientos y Melod�as
13:00 Hechos e Historias Emocionantes
13:30 M�sica Especial de S�bado
14:00 La Uni�n Dominicana en Contacto con Nuestros Oyentes
15:00 M�sica por Temas
15:30 Para Ti que Eres Joven
16:00 Hablemos del Hogar
16:55 M�sica
17:00 Cristo en su Hogar
17:30 Tu Historia Preferida
18:00 La Voz de la Esperanza
18:30 El S�bado un D�a para Recordar
19:00 M�sica Selecta y Reflexiones
20:00 Estampas del Caribe
21:00 Especial Musical de la Noche
21:30 Problemas y Soluciones de la Comunidad
22:00 Radio Amanecer en Estudio
22:30 Memorias del Pasado
23:00 Despedida e Himno Nacional Dominicano

06:00 Himno Nacional Dominicano
06:05 Introducci�n y Oraci�n de Gracias
06:07 Amanecer de Inspiraci�n
07:00 M�sica Alegre y Pensamientos
07:30 Agenda de Actividades
07:45 Secci�n de Cumplea�os
08:00 Publicaciones en Marcha
08:30 M�sica
08:40 Contestando tu Pregunta
10:00 Domingo Musical
11:00 Historia y Profecia
11:25 M�sica
11:30 Actualidades en Medicina
11:58 M�sica
12:00 Himno Nacional Dominicano
12:05 M�sica Instrumental e Informaciones y Actividades
13:00 Enfoque Biblico
13:30 M�sica
13:45 Restauremos la Familia
14:15 M�sica
14:30 La Iglesia al D�a
15:00 Mundo Universitario
15:30 M�sica Variada
15:45 La Verdad Presente
16:15 M�sica Variada
16:30 Educando para Servir
17:00 M�sica Variada
17:30 Tu Historia Preferida
18:00 Junto a mis Amigas
18:30 La Voz de la Esperanza
19:00 M�usica Variada
19:15 Analicemos Juntos
20:00 M�sica Variada
20:15 La Mano de Dios al Tim�n
20:45 M�sica Variada
21:00 Inspiraci�n y Melod�ia
21:30 La Vida Nuestra
22:00 M�sica Variada
22:30 Memorias del Pasado
23:00 Despedida e Himno Nacional Dominicano


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Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995

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