My Latin American experiences began in Honduras where I was a Peace
Corps volunteer from 1982-84. During that time I was active
in several DX publications and much of this article is taken from
things I wrote for various issues of DX Monitor of the
International Radio Club of America and Review of International
I had thought about joining Peace Corps ever since junior high
school when I read Living Poor an account of Peace Corps
service by a volunteer in Ecuador. When I graduated college it only
seemed natural that I apply. Through DXing and Spanish classes I
had learned a lot about Latin America and now I wanted to see some
of it.
Applying to Peace Corps is a very complicated process. The
application form was a sixteen page booklet, they wanted eight
references, plus I had to have a complete medical and dental
checkup. Finally six months after I initially picked up the
application I was offered positions in either Upper Volta or Oman.
Sorry, I said, as I had put in my application, I really wanted a
Spanish speaking country. Besides, I studied six years of Spanish.
Didn't that count for something? Not long afterward I was offered
Honduras, although I would not be going overseas for another four
months, on January 3, 1982.
After a few days of workshops in Miami, which allowed the Peace
Corps to weed out a few people that it didn't think were up to the
challenge, our group of thirty-five trainees flew to Tegucigalpa,
Honduras. We spent the first night in the Hotel Granada, well known
as the Peace Corps budget hotel in Tegucigalpa. The next morning,
Sunday, we were farmed out to local families.
I did very little DXing during the twelve weeks I lived in Tegus.
Training was very intensive, and anyway I lived just twelve blocks
from the center of the city and it was electrically very noisy.
Mv work was with a normal school, something once very common in the
US, but long since done away with. Many of today's teachers'
colleges started out as normal schools, and the town of Normal,
Illinois gets its name not from the personalities of its residents,
but from what was once there. A normal school is a specialized
senior high school that trains its students to be primary school
teachers upon graduation, nor further degree being required. A poor
country like Honduras has enough trouble supplying its classrooms
with teachers, without requiring college degrees. My actual job was
not to teach (although I did at times), but rather to help the
three Honduran teachers who taught nutrition and health classes to
develop better lessons and materials, i.e. I taught the teachers
who taught the future teachers.
I initially lived in town with another older PCV in a "Peace Corps
House", i.e. a house that PCVs had lived in for a number of years,
new ones replacing departing ones. Santa Barbara was big enough to
always have PCVs, and the owner loved it as he never had to look
for new tenants. Later I lived by myself in the village of Galeras,
about a mile outside of town.
Later I moved to the village, living briefly in a two room house
along the main road - a very noisy and dusty location. Then I moved
to a one room apartment about two hundred feet away. It was so
close that the most economical way to move my things was to hire
two brothers and their oxcart to do it. This new location had an
entire hillside for a backyard, so I experimented with several
different randomwires in the year I lived there.
Shortwave reception was even more different than I had imagined.
Central American stations were, obviously, like locals. Most of the
tropical band stations could be heard all day long, some with good
signals. Reception of the Andean region was excellent. However,
Brazilian stations, as well as Africans, were very hard to hear.
Honduras is closer to the equator, which means signals from areas
like Indonesia and the USSR do not have to pass through polar
regions. I never DXed the USSR much but enjoyed Indonesian
reception I had never dreamed of in Pennsylvania. However the Indo
season in Central America is from April to August with a peak in
June, as I discovered.
It was always fun to write to SW stations while living in Honduras.
How often does the Voice of Turkey, for example, receive a letter
from Honduras? Three times from Pennsylvania I wrote them
requesting a pennant and never got one. I wrote once from Santa
Barbara and just five weeks later received a pennant and a package
of magazines. A number of other stations were similarly
I actually spent more of my time DXing MW than SW. In part it was
necessitated by having to do my own research. Not long after
arriving, I wrote in DX Monitor the "amount of effort needed
to compile accurate listings in phenomenal. The WRTH info on
Honduras is very spotty - no intention to criticize them, just not
any good sources of local info for them." Eventually I did much of
the 'legwork' in compiling a Central American station list for the
IRCA, which was then used by the WRTH to update their records.
That may be the most accurate list available, as I don't know if
the Honduran government is any better informed. I visited the local
equivalent of the FCC several times and got to know the head of the
licensing/allocation for all radio and TV stations in the country
(excluding hams and utilities). For this important function he had
one assistant, one secretary, and two offices. I tried in vain to
get an official station list but was always turned down for
security reasons. He was afraid I would take the list back to the
USA and give it to broadcasting authorities there who would then
proceed to raise powers on select frequencies to drown out Honduran
stations. His fears, though paranoid, had some justification. For
example, in Santa Barbara during the evening on 740 khz, KTRH in
Houston was stronger than Radio Eco just sixty miles away in San
Pedro Sula. Overall US stations seemed to cause more QRM to
Honduran stations than did the Cubans, and just as much as the much
closer Mexicans.
My MW DX was somewhat hampered by having two very over-modulated
stations in town, although it did become better when I moved to
Galeras. Still, some of the best times to DX was during local power
blackouts, which were frequent. My local stations had no backup
generators and would be off for the duration. Once while DXIng
during a blackout I wrote, "I am DXing and writing this by
candlelight. It is raining so hard I can barely hear the radio thru
the headphones. The thunderstorm causes some static. Yet I sit here
knowing there is no power in probably a twenty-five mile radius. No
blenders, no television, no flourescent lights. Even with the
thunderstorm, the band seems quiet."
Another prime time to DX was after ten pm when the locals went off
the air for the night. In fact by midnight almost every station in
Central America would be off the air. There were only three all
night stations in Honduras, and only four in Guatemala. The band
would fill up with all-nighters from the US, Mexico, and Colombia.
While living in Honduras, I picked up 622 stations in 34 countries
on medium wave. I believe in another two years I would have had no
problem in passing a thousand stations. My best countries were the
USA (139), Honduras (95), Mexico (73), Guatemala (67), and Colombia
(49). Some of my best MW DX was from the other side of the
Atlantic. The southerly location which meant Trans-Atlantic signals
did not pass through polar regions meant better TA possibilities. I
caught nineteen Trans-Atlantic stations in ten European and two
Middle-Eastern countries. A location on the Caribbean coast would
have been even better.
Antonio Hasbun, station manager, founded the station in 1949. It
was located in a one story building facing the main plaza. He also
owned the town's only movie theater, an old school room
with a wall painted white at one end and about two hundred chairs
set up in a manner that would give a heart attack to an American
fire safety inspector. In the theatre he showed mainly cheap horror
movies and Mexican westerns. The closest he ever came to culture
was Walt Disney's "Blackbeard's Ghost"and "Conan the
Barbarian." But then, admission was only fifty cents.
Transmitters and antennas for Radio Junco were located outside town
on a small hill in Galeras. Both one kilowatt transmitters (MW and
SW) had been built by Antonio. The MW frequency used a tower,
approximately one hundred feet tall, the highest structure in the
area. The shortwave used a dipole.
Like several other Honduran stations, La Voz del Junco found a way
to broadcast bilingual, in English and Spanish, - a true status
symbol. In this case it was a program called The Star Show
on the air every day for an hour at three PM (2100 GMT). Right
after I arrived in town a Mormon missionary working there sat down
in the studio with a DJ and together they recorded a number of
bilingual promos and IDs. Every day these announcements were
played, along with vocal music, to make the bilingual Star
In September, 1982 Antonio's sister died. As an act of mourning
Antonio basically closed down the radio station. It was initially
off the air for a week, then slowly increased back to its regular
schedule. He also limited the movie theater to two or three nights
a week. I wonder why my local stations back in Pennsylvania never
closed down like that.
The junco in the station name refers to a type of straw
grown only around Santa Barbara, but well known throughout Central
America. Very fine hats are woven from it and sold throughout the
region. This is one of the two mainstays of the local economy. The
other is coffee. The Santa Barbara area produces one-third of the
Honduran coffee crop. During harvest season most of the streets in
town become one lane wide as half the street gets blocked off and
covered with drying coffee beans.
While in Latin America I helped other DXers obtain QSLs. In the
case of La Voz del Junco I actually was the veri-signer. Shortly
after moving to Santa Barbara I made arrangements with Antonio
allowing me to take over verifying reports, then pass them on to
him so that he could respond to them too. Antonio was not very good
at responding, so at least this way the reports were verified. I
received one followup from when the station had been active in the
seventies. When Antonio reactivated the station in 1984 I was
swamped with over a dozen reports. I ended up issuing seventeen
QSLs: ten to US DXers, four to Guatemala, two to Japanese, and one
to myself.
My other local station was Ondas del Ulua, or "waves of the Ulua."
The name refers to the Ulua river which flows a mile west of town
and drains about one third of Honduras. Originally the town was
located on the banks of the river and every twenty years or so the
river would flood and wash away the town. Finally in 1825, after
over 250 years of this, someone got smart and had the town moved to
its present location. Somebody ought to name a radio station after
Ondas del Ulua broadcast on 1140 khz, later changed to 1150 khz.
When I moved to Santa Barbara, it had been on the air eleven years,
but had yet to make it in the World Radio TV Handbook,
attesting to problems in getting information from such remote
areas. The station also announced 4770 khz at signoff, although
they did not so much as have a crystal for the frequency, let alone
a transmitter. However it was registered for future use, and
perhaps someday Santa Barbara will have another shortwave station.
This article is copyright 1982-86 by Don Moore. This article may
not be
printed in any publication without written permission. Permission is
granted for all interested readers to share and pass on the ASCII
text file of this article or to print it out for personal use. In
such case, your comments on the article would be appreciated.
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Don Moore's Honduran Journal
Part One
The first twelve weeks in country are training: language, cultural,
and job specific. During this time each person lives with a
different local family. The families speak no English, so it is a
very rapid sink-or-swim in the local culture and language. Before
being turned over we were all given an English/Spanish dictionary
and taught that one very important phrase - "Donde esta el bano?"
or "Where is the bathroom." As I had an extensive background in
Spanish, my main problem was learning the local slang (certain
family members were very obliging in that respect, as long as I
didn't tell Grandma) and to adapt to the local accent. Some people
in my training group knew no Spanish at all however, and found that
one phrase very useful on day one with their families. I still
think about those poor Honduran families who had to spend an entire
Sunday with a dumb gringo wandering around their house saying
"Donde esta el bano?"
Off to Santa Barbara
Training ended on April 2, 1982. My assignment was to work in
nutrition and health projects in the normal school in Santa
Barbara. Santa Barbara is a town of about 10,000 inhabitants and
is the capital of the department of the same name. It is located
about one hundred kilometers south of San Pedro Sula, the second
largest city in Honduras. This translated into a three hour bus ride.
The first forty kilometers of the trip was on the paved highway
that ran on to Guatemala. Then it diverged south on a narrow dirt
track that threaded its way around mountains, over rivers, and
through streams (bridges? what bridges?), covering the passengers
with great clouds of dust during much of the year. Later the
Honduran government received a loan from the EEC (bless 'em) to
pave the road. By the time I left it had been straightened and
widened the entire length, and about a third of it had been paved.
All the streams even had bridges! I laughed at the green PCVs
(Peace Corps Volunteers) who complained how bad the road was and
how it took two whole hours (!) to get from San Pedro Sula.DXing in Honduras
My DX shack, "the best little DX shack in Honduras," consisted of a
modified FRG-7, a Realistic CTR-51 cassette recorder, and a Radio
West ferrite loop antenna. Later a GE cassette recorder, a Sony
ICF-7600A, and a homemade antenna tuner were added. The Sony was
mainly used for travel. For outside antennas I had to adapt to the
environment. My first home in town had only a very tiny backyard
with a large palm tree in the middle. I was able to procure a
twenty-five foot bamboo pole to which I coiled 150 feet of #22
copper wire around the top six feet. The entire thing was tied to
the palm tree. I found it to be an excellent antenna, with only one
problem. As a palm tree grows it adds a new frond to the top and
every six weeks the bottom one breaks off, crashing to the ground.
Every time this happened the frond homed in on my lead-in wire, and
I would have to let down the pole to hook the antenna back up. La Voz del Junco
One of my two local stations was already known to DXers: La Voz del
Junco. It broadcast on 1010 khz MW and 6075 khz SW. When I arrived
the SW had been inactive for several years and remained that way
until a few months before I left. That was fortunate as when it was
on it completely blanketed my 49 meterband. I was only a quarter
mile from their aerial, so it didn't matter if it was only one
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.