The following item is taken from
Relampago DX, Number 87,
September, 1997 by Takayuki Inoue Nozaki. It is placed here with
3200.3 Radio 9 de Abril "La Voz del Trabajador Industrial", Pulacayo;
has notbbeen observed on shortwave for a couple of years. The last
time I heard the station was in March 1993.
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Takayuki Inoue Nozaki's Bolivian List
From September 12 to September 23, 1997, I managed a regular circuit
of Bolivia, the highest and most isolated of the Latin American
republics. It was short vacation, but was the 11th visit to Bolivia
for me. The travelling route was made by land from Santa Cruz, Montero,
Yapacani, Villa Tunari, Cochabamba, Oruro, to La Paz. Naturally I
visited many local radio stations with the object of studying and
investigating the broadcasting scene. The following list is ther
result of my monitoring research on the Bolivian shortwavers.
3280.- Radio Chaco "La Voz del Campesino", Yacuiba; has been inactive
since August 1982.
3330.- Radio Charcas, Monteagudo; was closed down according to the
Superintendence of Telecommunications.
3340.2 Radio Viloco, Mina Viloco; ceased its transmission when the
mining center was closed down.
3350.2 Radio 27 de Diciembre, Villamontes; was not heard during my
stay in Bolivia.
3370.5 Radio Florida, Samaipata; has been inactive for some years.
3390.4 Radio Emisoras Camargo, Camargo; 2300-0200.
3472.V Radio Padilla, Padilla; was not heard during my stay in Bolivia.
3754.3 Radio 20 de Septiembre, Bermejo; has not been observed for
several years.
4211.V Radio Perla del Oriente, Robore; has not been observed for
several years.
4409.4 Radio Eco, Reyes; 2230-0200.
4420.7 Radio Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa; has not been observed for a
couple of years. The last time I heard the station was in March 1993.
4441.3 Radio Ecologia Internacional, San Matias; has been inactive
since January 1994.
4449.3 Radio Estacion Frontera, Cobija; was not heard during my
stay in Bolivia.
4472.1 Radio Movima "La Voz de Santa Ana del Yacuma", Santa Ana del
Yacuma; 1030-1600 & 2100-0200. (Sunday 1100-1700 & 2200-0100).
4508.7 Radio Emisora San Joaquin, San Joaquin; was not heard during
my stay in Bolivia. The station has not been observed since October
4530.3 Radio Hitachi, Guayaramerin; 1100-1600 & 2200-2400.
4549.4 Radiodifusoras Tropico "La Voz Civica del Beni", Trinidad;
broadcast here irregularly in September 1997, with "CONTEL" brand
transmitter of 3kW power as alternative frequency.
4552.3 Radiodifusoras Tropico, Trinidad; was heard almost daily in
September 1997. This outlet is equipped with "HUCARR" brand transmitter
of 1kW. 1000-1200, 1600-1830 & 2230-0100.
4599.3 Radio Emisoras Villamontes, Villamontes; 0900-1730 & 1900-2400
(Sunday 0900-1700 only).
4600.0 Radio Perla del Acre, Cobija; 0900-1100 & 2130-0300 (no
operation on Sunday).
4625.7 Radiodifusora Machupo "La Voz de San Ramon", San Ramon; has
not been heard since January 1994.
4631.V Radio Emisoras Entre Rios, Entre Rios; has not been observed
for several years.
4632.4 Radio 11 de Octubre, Cobija; was not heard during my stay in
4649.1 Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma; 1055-1700 & 1930-0330.
4681.7 Paititi Radiodifusion, Guayaramerin; has been inactive since
October 1995, probably due to technical problem. This shortwave outlet
is equipped with "THORDARSON" brand transmitter (1kW).
4682.1 Paititi Radiodifusion, Guayaramerin; slightly drifted from
4682.3kHz. This alternative outlet is equipped with "HUCARR" brand
transmitter (0.2kW). 1030-1900 & 2100-0200.
4702.3 Radio Eco San Borja, San Borja; 1200-0300 (no operation on
4719.8 Radio Abaroa, Riberalta; 1000-0400 (Sunday 1000-0100).
4732.2 Radio La Palabra, Santa Ana del Yacuma; has not been observed
since late December 1996.
4756.V Radio Emisoras Bolivia, Oruro; has been inactive since a long
time ago. The station is planning to resume the shortwave transmission
with the support of "ABC" (Asociacion Boliviana para la Cultura de
los Trabajadores). The old shortwave transmitter of "Telefunken" brand
(5kW) will be repaired by a local radio-engineer, and additionally
"INELBO" brand transmitter will be purchased for the shortwave operation.
Radio Emisoras Bolivia currently operates at 1000-1300 daily, on CP62
1450kHz medium wave and CP182 105.1MHz FM simultaneously.
4765.3 Radio Guanay, Guanay; was not heard during my stay in Bolivia.
It was the last time I heard the station was September 21, 1993 while
being in San Borja, Department of Beni. According to the
Superintendence of Telecommunications, the station has presented a
planning application to commence FM transmission instead of the
shortwave broadcast.
4775.2 Radio Los Andes, Tarija; has been inactive since February 1983,
due to technical problem.
4777.7 Radio A.N.D.E.S., Uyuni; 1000-1130 & 2100-0000.
4785.5 Radio Emisoras Ballivian, San Borja; 1500-1700 with the local
newscast "Informativo Central".
4795.9 Radio Nueva America; La Paz; has been inactive for many years.
After the change of ownership, the station has no plans to resume
the shortwave transmission. Radio Nueva America currently broadcasts
only on the frequency of 860 kHz with "CONTEL" brand transmitter
(10kW). The medium wave outlet runs at 1015-2400 (Sunday 1100-2300).
4815.0 Radio Nacional de Bolivia, La Paz; has been inactive since
late April 1986.
4830.0 Radio Grigota, Santa Cruz de la Sierra; was not heard during
my stay in Bolivia.
4845.0 Radio Fides, La Paz; 1000-1805 & 2115-0200 (Sunday 1100-1800).
//with 6155.0kHz & 9624.9kHz
4854.9 Radio Centenario "La Nueva", Santa Cruz de la Sierra; 1030-0200 (Sunda y 1030-2300).
4856.7 Radio El Condor, Uyuni; was closed down due to financial problem. It w as informed by Jorge Bustillo Burgos, the director of Radio El Condor in La Pa z and the president of "UNESBO" (Union de Emisoras Sindicales de Bolivia). Whe n I visited the station in August 1991, it operated only on FM. The station di rector said that the shortwave outlet had been out of service since 1991.
4864.5 Radio Emisoras 16 de Marzo, Mina Bolivar; 1000-0200 (Saturday/Sunday 1 000-2300).
4875.V Radio La Cruz del Sur, La Paz; 0930-1300 & 2130-0030 (Sunday 0930-1400 ).
4885.6 Radio Sararenda, Camiri; 1000-1200 & 1800-2100 (no operation on Sunday ).
4900.7 Radiodifusora San Ignacio, San Ignacio de Moxos; was irregularly heard around 1100 with weak signal.
4926.6 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta; 1000-0300 (Sunday 1000-0200).
4939.3 Radio Norte, Montero; 0900-1300, 1600-1800 & 2200-0100.
4945.0 Radio Illimani, La Paz; 1100-0400.
4965.0 Radio Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velasco; 1000-1430 & 1730-0000.
4990.9 Radio Animas, Animas; 1000-1800 (Sunday 1100-1300).
5005.8 Radio Libertad, La Paz; The shortwave outlet has been used only for fo otball game relay. It is possible to capture its signal around 2300-0200 (Wedn esday), 1830-2230V (Saturday/Sunday). When Radio Libertad regularly operated i ts shortwave transmission in 1995, it was scheduled at 1000-1800 & 2200-0200. The medium wave outlet currently runs at 1000-0200 (Sunday 1000-2400) on 790kH z with an output power of 5kW.
5044.9 Radiodifusoras Altiplano, La Paz; has not been in operation for a coup le of months.
5123.7 Galaxia Radiodifusion, Guayaramin; was not observed during my stay in Bolivia.
5504.2 Radio 2 de Febrero, Rurrenabaque; 1200-1500 & 0200-0200.
5580.2 Radio San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos; was not observed during my stay in Bolivia.
5925.V Radio Centinela, Tupiza; ceased its shortwave transmission. Its 150W t ransmitter is currently modified to able to broadcast on 1430kHz
medium wave.
5927.2 Radiodifusoras Mineria "La Voz de las Mayorias Nacionales", Oruro; 100 0-2300 (Sunday 1100-2200) on 1290kHz and 5925kHz (nominal). The station also b roadcasts on 107.7MHz FM stereo simultaneously with medium wave and shortwave. Schedule of FM outlet is 1000-0200 (Sunday 1100-0200).
5929.5 Radiodifusoras Amazonia "La Voz del Tropico", Las Romas de San Lorenzo , San Antonio; The station formerly identified itself as Radiodifusoras CVU "L a Voz del Tropico" broadcasting from Villa Tunari, capital of the Province of Chapare in the Departamento de Cochabamba. The shortwave outlet has been inact ive since June 1995, but the station is currently operating on 100.1MHz FM ste reo. It runs at 0900-0100 daily. Las Romas de San Lorenzo is approximately 3km south from Villa Tunari.
5945.7 Radio Emisoras Pio XII, Siglo XX; was not observed during my stay in B olivia.
5952.4 Radio Emisoras Pio XII, Siglo XX; 1100-1400 & 2100-0200 (Sunday 1100-1 400 & 2100-0100).
5964.7 Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni; was not observed during my stay in Bolivia. Currently the station also operates on FM for local audience living in the mining center of Huanuni.
5975.2 Radio Nacional de Cochabamba, Cochabamba; has been inactive since Marc h 1986.
5984.9 Radio San Jose, Oruro; has been inactive since May 1986.
5996.4 Radio Loyola, Sucre; 1000-2400 (Sunday 1100-).
6014.8 Radio El Mundo, Santa Cruz de la Sierra; 1000-0100 (Sunday 1100-2100). 6025.0 Radio Illimani, La Paz; 1100-0400
6065.7 Radio Mauro Nuenez, Villa Serrano; was not heard during my stay in Bol ivia.
6081.4 Radio 21 de Diciembre, Catavi; has been inactive for many years.
6085.3 Radio San Gabriel, La Paz; 0855-1800 & 2000-0100.
6095.1 Radio Cosmos, Cochabamba; has been inactive since September 1993.
6105.4 Radio Panamericana, La Paz; 0945-0400 (Sunday 1100-2400).
6119.3 Radiodifusoras Integracion, El Alto de La Paz; has been inactive due t o technical problem since October 1996. The medium wave outlet broadcasts on 6 50kHz at 0900-0300 (Sunday 1100-0200).
6135.0 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra; 0900-0100.
6140.7 Radio Luis de Fuentes, Tarija; has been inactive for several years.
6155.0 Radio Fides, La Paz; 1000-1805 & 2115-0200 (Sunday 1100-1800). // with 4845.0kHz & 9624.9kHz
6184.9 Radio Batallon Colorados, La Paz; has been inactive for some years. Th e experimental transmission on shortwave was last observed in April 1994.
6195.0 Radio Carlos Palenque, La Paz; 0900-2100 daily. The medium wave outlet broadcasts on 930kHz at 0900-0500 (Monday-Friday), 0900-0600 (Saturday), 0900 -0200 (Sunday).
6557.0 Radio Television Colonia, Yapacani; has been inactive since August 199 7 because its shortwave transmitter was destroyed by thunder. The shortwave ou tlet broadcast at 2100-0200 when it was active.
9624.9 Radio Fides, La Paz; 1000-1805 & 2115-0200 (Sunday 1100-1800). // with 4845.0kHz & 6155.0kHz
9712.2 Radio La Plata "La Voz de la Capital", Sucre; 1400-1930.
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.