In early 1985 my wife and I spent six weeks vagabonding in Ecuador,
and I managed to pack in a lot of door-to-door DXing. I remember one
hot and humid afternoon when we hopped off the bus in Quevedo, a
small banana city on the coastal plain. After finding a cheap
"fleabag" hotel, we went out in search of the local shortwave
radio station. After a few blocks, we stopped at a small fruit
stand for a glass of chilled pineapple juice, then went to sit in the
park. Needing a shoeshine, Theresa called over one of the shoe shine
boys, who brought along a dozen companions. Surrounded by curious
boys between eight and fourteen years old and dressed in T-shirts,
shorts, and sneakers, we fielded questions.
So many questions they asked us! Where were we from? Did we come on
a plane? Is it cold in the US? Are there shoeshine boys in the US?
They were surprised to hear that there weren't. Obviously if they were
to become illegal immigrants they would have to find a new line of
employment. Gradually the crowd around us grew as more children, and
even a few adults joined the group. The boys taught us some local
Spanish slang, and then asked us about some words in English. Sadly,
these boys, like so many in Latin America, had formed an image of the
US based on the cheap movies they saw. Excessive violence and easy sex
with ever-changing partners were part of day-to-day life in the United
States, as they saw it. As we said goodbye, I could only hope that we
had given them another image of Americans.
Armed with simple instructions, we soon found our goal a few blocks
down the street. A large wooden Ondas Queveda�as sign hung
across the main street, with an arrow pointing up the adjoining side
street. Around the corner and up three doors was an old neon station
sign, which still listed the station's frequencies as 3308 and 635
khz, which hadn't been used since the 1960s. The huge double doors
were open, so in we walked. When I explained to the secretary that I
was a listener from the United States, she became very excited and,
like her townsmen in the park, began asking us all sorts of
questions. Moments later, the station's manager Maruja Jaramillo,
joined us. She took us on a tour of their aged facilities.
Behind the offices was a small concrete-floored auditorium seating
about a hundred on folding chairs. This was used for live
programming, including open-mic talent shows every Sunday morning and
evening. Beside the auditorium was a stairway leading up to the
three studios. In addition to the main studio, where the DJ manned
the console and spun his own disks, there was a separate studio for
reading the news and a third studio for recording programs in
advance. Also on the second floor was a plush carpeted conferance
room, for about thirty persons, occasionally used to broadcast
important local meetings.
Back downstairs we had another introduction to make. Station owner
Humberto Alvarado had just arrived on his weekly visit from Guayaquil.
At Don Humberto's instruction, Maruja took Theresa and I back upstairs
and told the DJ to record an interview with us for later broadcast.
He put an LP on the turntable to keep the listeners occupied, and
plopped a cassette in the deck in the recording studio. For the
third time in little more than an hour, we found ourselves fielding
questions on the US and our visit to Ecuador. Being interviewed in
Spanish for a radio broadcast wasn't quite so frightening since we
had already rehearsed the answers to the questions twice!
Back downstairs again, Don Humberto asked us how the interview
went, then invited us to spend the night in his Guayaquil home.
"Sure!" we replied, hardly regretting the three dollars we
had already spent on our ramshackle hotel. After picking up our
luggage, Don Humberto drove to the town's outskirts to check on
things at a luxurious secluded hotel that he owned. Besides giving
us our only glimpse of a first-class Ecuadorian hotel, we were able
to visit the neighboring Ondas Quevedanas transmitter site, planted
amoung Don Humberto's grove of 2000 citrus trees.
Then we had a three hour joy ride to Guayaquil. Along the way our
host frequently stopped at familiar roadstands to sample unusual
fruits, delicious charcoal roasted beef, and frozen coconut milk
popsicles. As we nibbled, he informed us that he also owned an FM
station in Quevedo and a medium wave station, Radio Novedades, in
Guayaquil. In addition he was a professor of journalism at the
University of Guayaquil and vice president of the Ecuadorian Press
Lunch at 2 pm was typically Ecuadorian. Besides delicious local
food, another differance in eating with the Alvarado family was that
they employed two young servant girls. As soon as a salad was finished,
it was replaced by a bowl of soup. When the soup was gone, the bowl
was whisked away in exchange for the main course, in turn replaced by
desert. Middle class Americans, we were not used to this kind of
service in private homes! After lunch we said goodbye to this
wonderful family. Don Humberto drove us to the bus station and bought
our tickets to Quito.
Radio Quito began transmissions in April, 1940, making it one of the
first stations to air in Ecuador. Five months later, on August 18,
1940, it was officially inaugurated in a ceremony conducted by then-
president Julio E. Moreno. On July 20, 1941, Radio Quito became the
first station in Ecuador to retransmit a broadcast from the US when
it picked up the world championship boxing match between Joe Louis
and Chilean challenger Arturo Godoy. During this event loudspeakers
were hooked up in one of the plazas so even those without radios
could listen. During these early years, Radio Quito was affiliated
with CBS in the US and also carried some BBC programming.
For the DXer, Radio Quito is one of the more easily heard of
Ecuador's small broadcasters. It's also the country's best verifier,
after HCJB. Every reception report is verified with a folding multi-
lingual QSL card, a small pennant, and a sticker. They even accept
reception reports in English, French and Italian, as well as Spanish
(although I still recommend using Spanish). Word of Radio Quito's
generosity has gotten around. The station receives around twenty
reception reports weekly - an amazing number for such a small
broadcaster. But they appreciate every report. After being verified,
each one is neatly placed in a three ring binder, and placed in a
I still remember climbing up Radio Pastaza's narrow staircase to the
third floor of a rare cement block building on El Puyo's main street.
At the top of the stairs was a small waiting room with a few benches,
which led into a sparse office mainly decorated by cheesecake and
record promotion posters. Two small rooms opening onto the office
served as record library and the station's only studio. Only two
announcers were present, one spinning discs, the other doing paperwork.
The DJ on duty quickly put an LP on the turntable so he could talk to
the visiting gringo without interruption. The main thing on their
minds was whether sex in the United States was as easy as movies
portray it!!
After we got around their main topic of interest, the two announcers
explained that Radio Pastaza is the main commercial broadcaster in
the province. It's competition is two other commercial stations and
the protestant missionary station Radio Rio Amazonas. Radio Pastaza,
they told me, is one of the few radio stations in Ecuador owned by a
trade union, in this case, the El Puyo taxi-drivers' union. The
union president doubles as station manager, which is why he wasn't in
the office. He was out driving his taxi around the muddy streets,
honking his horn in the eternal search for passengers. The
announcers were kind enough to type me a QSL letter, so I had no
On shortwave, Radio Pastaza is one of those on-again, off-again Latin
American broadcasters that unpredictably go off the air for months or
more at a time, to return again just as unpredictably. After a
lengthy inactive period, the station reactivated yet again in the
fall of 1989. Unfortunately Radio Pastaza is not a very reliable
verifier, QSLs being as irregular as the broadcasts. Perhaps the
double duty that many of the staff members have as taxi drivers
accounts for this irregularity.
Ambato is home to Radio Paz y Bien (Radio Peace and Good), a common
station in the mornings on 4820 khz with its Ecuadorian folk music.
I was especially interested in meeting Padre Enrique Pesantez, who
had signed my 1974 verification letter. When Theresa and I arrived,
the Padre was out, but Rosa, who seemed to double as announcer and
secretary, showed us around. It is a very modern station, with new
equipment purchased in 1980. There are seperate studios for the
fully automated FM service and MW/SW service, both independently
programmed. Yet, the station only employed six people!
Rosa gave us a good description of station programming. Ecuadorian
music is on at various times throughout the day, including the 1000
UTC sign-on. Several prayers are scheduled, and the Rosary is read
three times daily. Every morning from 8:30-9:00 the Padre presents
"La Hora del Hogar" (the home hour) where he chats on various
themes related to the family. At many spots on the schedule there is
an hour or half hour of "Pensamiento", or "thought"
where instrumental music is played, occasionally interupted by the
announcer reading short thoughts for the day, such as "It is not
only lazy to do nothing, but you could do something better and
don't" or "It is impossible to conceive what God is capable
of doing with a soul, so leave the work to God."
We had just finished discussing the programming when Padre Enrique
Pesantez walked in. We took to him immediately. When I mentioned I
still had the letter he had written to me in 1974, he uttered a long
drawn out "Caramba!" He peppers his conversation with
"caramba!" and "puchica!", sort of Spanish
equivalents of "wow!" and "how 'bout that!". Here
was an enthusiastic man, full of life and joy which he spreads to
those in his presence, smiles popping up all around. Pure energy
glowed from his short, medium built body.
Ecuadorian by birth and a priest of the Franciscan order, he founded
the station on June 12, 1952. It is his life. "Because many
people do not come to church, we have to go to them via radio,"
he says. The station's objectives are faith and culture -
propagating the Christian faith and the Ecuadorian culture.
He went to his office and brought out two reception reports, one each
from Australia and New Zealand. "They write about the station!
Caramba! People all over the world write me! They send all kinds of
things, cassettes of the station." He knows no English, nor does
anyone at the station, so he asked us to translate the reports, which
were written in English. Going through the program details, he
noted, "the morning program, they heard the morning
Then into his office where he hunted among piles of books and papers,
finally coming up with the prize - the two most recent cassettes, one
from Italy and one from Sweden. The Padre gets a kick out all this.
Not only does the station minister to the local community, but Radio
Paz y Bien sends Ambato and Ecuador to the world and brings the whole
world back again. He has a stack of verification cards to send to
those wonderful people all over the world who wrote him.
I asked him if I could take a picture of him by the sign over the
front door. "Caramba!" he exclaimed, straightening up. He
hurried around the station to who knows what purpose, save to tell
those present that he was getting his picture taken. Below the sign
he stood, full of pride, as I snapped two pictures. "Come on
in," he shouted, "Let's take one of the studio."
Bustling around the somewhat confused young man in the MW/SW studio,
he cleaned off the console for the picture, then stepped aside as it
was taken. "Now the FM studio," and he hurried to get Rosa
and Juanita, another young female employee of the station, in the
picture. The women cleared off a knitting project one had left on
the FM console and giddily posed for the picture. "Caramba!"
We should have been sad to say goodbye to Radio Pay y Bien, but in
the company of such a man as Padre Enrique, it is impossible to be
sad for a moment. It was a gem of a station visit, but then the
Padre is a gem among men. Door-to-door DXing is always adventurous,
always fun, always new. And, in the end, it always seems to be the
people at each station, like Padre Enrique, that make each visit
unique, worthwhile, and rememberable.
2004 Addendum: Radio Quito has been off shortwave for several years now.
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It seems like every DXer specializes in different subfields of the
hobby. Different ones prefer shortwave, medium wave, utilities . . .
some even pursue particular geographic areas, or specific categories
like religious stations. Perhaps the most colorful subfield of the
radio hobby is door-to-door DXing. And just what is that? Traveling
around from town to town, dropping in unexpectedly at local shortwave
broadcasters. One never knows just what interesting facts will be
learned, or what interesting people will be met.
He lived with his wife, six sons, and a daughter in a spacious and
beautiful apartment in downtown Guayaquil. The youngest child has
just graduated from high school, but all the children still lived at
home. We talked with family members, had a typically late (9pm)
supper, and then Don Humberto and his wife Daisy took us on a late
night drive through Guayaquil. A daytime tour of very modern and
beautiful Guayaquil was taken the next morning. Daisy's press
credentials were used to get us a tour of a banana boat. A lawyer
and a painter, Daisy also took us to a gallery displaying some of her
Ecuador's capital city is a door-to-door DXers dream. There are
nearly a dozen shortwave stations to visit. I was especially
interested in visiting Radio Quito, as a good example of a large
commercial station in Ecuador. The station is owned by El
Comercio, Ecuador's most important newspaper and is located in
the newspaper's office building, just a half block from the main
plaza in downtown Quito. Soon I was knocking on station Vice
President Jose Almeida's door. Pleased to have a surprise visit to
relieve the day's monotony, Se�or Almeida graciously took me on a
tour of the facilities. Radio Quito's spacious offices and modern
studios occupy the building's entire fourth floor. He explained that
this gives the engineers easy access to the rooftop FM and UHF
antennas which relay programming to the main AM and SW antennas high
on Mount Pichincha, overlooking Quito. Befitting the station's
ownership, thirteen out of nineteen daily programming hours are
devoted to news and sports. In fact, Radio Quito is Ecuador's
primary news station. Still, it is not a big station, and only
employs about 25 people. RADIO PASTAZA
A few days later, Theresa & I had made our way to El Puyo, the center
of development of Ecuador's Amazon frontier. El Puyo is a sizable
town, almost a small city, but still very rough and wild, like the
frontier town it is. The downtown is a collection of mud streets and
hastily constructed rough-hewn wooden buildings painted in bright
colors. Tropical music blares from the doorways of numerous cantinas.
El Puyo is home to a very different example of an Ecuadorian commercial
station, Radio Pastaza.RADIO PAZ Y BIEN
From Puyo we traveled to Ambato. Almost totally destroyed by an
earthquake in 1948, the colonial character of this city of nearly
100,000 was wiped out. It was rebuilt as a modern city with many
shops, bakeries, and banks. An annual Fruit and Flower Festival,
held the weekend before Lent, however, made our several day visit
worthwhile. City schools filled with fruit and flower exhibits,
flower draped balconies, parades of people in gay costumes,
Ecuadorian folk music concerts and street dances completed the scene.
1996 Addendum: I guess the fact that only one of these four
stations is still on shortwave says something about the
unpredictability of Latin American shortwave! Radio Quito is
currently an easy catch on 4920 in both the evenings and mornings. I
have heard that they are in a new location. It is unlikely that any
of the other stations will return to shortwave. Father Enrique Pesantez
is no longer at Radio Paz y Bien. He may have retired.
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.