Hola amigos! Welcome to a "special edition" of Latin
Destinations! If you've read John Bryant's and my 'DX and the
Library' article in 1990 Proceedings, you'll know that
there are a lot of interesting books out there by broadcasting
professionals. One of my favorites is a Spanish book, Radio Y
Comunicacion Popular en el Peru, edited by Eduardo Ballon.
Published by a social-agency branch of the Peruvian Catholic
Church (with financial aid from Dutch Catholics), this book looks
into the background of Peruvian radio, its role in Peruvian
culture, and at the history of some specific Catholic radio
stations in Peru. If this book were only in English, I bet the
SW book vendors like Tiare and Universal would make a mint off
it, hi! In this column we're going to dive into an article by
Jose Antonio Llorens and Reynaldo Tamayo on folk music radio
programs in Lima, which I will condense, paraphrase, and loosely
translate, as well as work in a few of my own thoughts.
Listening to international folk music is one of the priviledges
of being a shortwave hobbyist, and most hobbyists who have heard
it would agree that Peruvian folk music is some of the best. But
has anyone ever stopped to realize that what we hear is local
radio stations playing local folk music to local listeners? If
that doesn't seem odd, think of how many of your local radio
stations play American folk music. Except for a few weekend
spots on public radio stations, American folk music has
disappeared from the airwaves and sadly been relegated to a very
small minority status in the U.S. music industry. Modern
influences, including modern music, from the city have replaced
our folk music heritage.
Peru, however, is a very interesting contrast. Not only is folk
music alive and well in the Andes Mountains, where it has its
roots, but Peruvian folk music has invaded cosmopolitan Lima and
become a significant force in the Lima radio scene. It would be
sort of like if West Virginia dulcimer music took a big chunk of
the New York City radio market. Llorens and Tamayo's article
tells how this came about, thanks to the inspiration of one man
forty years ago.
After World War II, a large migration from the Sierra into Lima
began. The migrants were principally peasants and small
landowners looking for work in the city's expanding economy.
Once in Lima, many of these people formed a subclass of street
vendors, cheap domestic help, artesans, and lower-end service
workers. They clustered together in marginal urban slums on the
then-outskirts of Lima. But, although the serranos were
at the bottom of the economic ladder, there were so many of them
that they gradually brought about a sort of ruralification of
certain elements of city culture. And, because the
serranos were primarily illiterate and came from a strong
oral culture, it was only natural that they would eventually
influence radio in Lima.
Initially there was some criticism of El Sol de los Andes
by people who were ashamed of the music or thought it not good
enough to be given airtime. But gradually the program was
accepted by both the Andean migrants in Lima and by Andean
musicians, so it didn't matter what uppity city-folks felt.
Pizarro, however, wanted to expand his audience and reach into
the country's interior. Again, Pizarro saw a need and filled it.
The serranos in the city had long needed a way to send
urgent messages into the interior faster than the post office
could deliver them, especially to areas where the telegraph
service didn't reach. Pizarro began reading such urgent personal
messages on the air. Word of this spread throughout the
highlands, and gradually El Sol de los Andes built up a
loyal audience in the interior.
Not only was Pizarro's reading of personal messages on the air an
important base of the program's increasing popularity, but
Pizarro may actually have initiated the practice of advisos
or comunicados (selling time for personal messages)
that is widespread in Peruvian radio today. Regardless, to this
day, the function of sending messages into the interior has
remained one of the most important functions of folk music
programs in Lima radio and their increasing audiences in the
As Pizarro's program became more popular, Radio El Sol decided to
begin charging him 5000 soles a month for airtime, forcing
Pizarro to look for commercial sponsors. Despite the program's
popularity, at first few advertisers wanted to buy time on such
an early morning show until, fortuitously, it unexpectedly won a
local radio popularity contest. Soon small businesses in both
Lima and in provincial towns began advertising on the show.
El Sol de los Andes was now an established part of the
Lima radio scene.
By the mid-1950s, other stations had noted the popularity of
El Sol de los Andes and started their own folk music
programs. The principal imitators were on Radio San Cristobal,
Radio Restauracion, Radio Expreso, Radio Continental, and Radio
Luz. Pizarro himself started other folk music programs on Radio
Nacional and Radio Santa Rosa in the mid-50s. An important first
came in 1962 with the founding of Lima's first all-folk station,
Radio Agricultura. As its names implies, Radio Agricultura
appealed to the peasant roots of serranos residing in
Lima, and to the peasants still farming in the interior. Besides
the nine hours of folk music daily, Radio Agricultura broadcast
technical and educational programs on agriculture with the
assistance of the U.S. Embassy and the local Ministry of
The increase in popularity of folk music radio programs had
encouraged Peruvian record companies to issue more folk music
records, which in turn encouraged more folk music programs, since
it was no longer necessary to book live performances. By the the
mid-60s, on-air performances were rare, except for special
events. By 1966 there were 27 hours daily of folk music on
Lima's 34 stations, half the time on Radio Agricultura which had
expanded to 12-14 hours of folk music daily. Folk music radio
had become the main force of the Andean people in maintaining
their own culture in Lima, despite the city's strong cosmopolitan
and international influences.
Today, folk music programming in Lima is still clearly directed
at provincials residing in Lima by, of course, the music, but
also by the types of ads and announcements and by the Andean
cultural references made by the announcers. The number of these
programs has continued to grow since their inception in 1951; a
Here lies the great irony of the story. In the 1540s, the
Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro and a band of adventurers
subdued the Inca empire and established Spanish cultural
domination in Peru. Four hundred years later another Pizarro
started a radio program, and in just a few decades the Andean
peasants and their music pushed Spanish culture off the airwaves
right there in its very heart, the city of Lima. History works
in strange ways.
This article is copyright 1991 by Don Moore.
This website is maintained by Don Moore,
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Radio History
Clandestine Radio
Folk Music Radio in Lima, Peru
By Don Moore
Peru is composed of two major ethno-geographic regions. The
Sierra , or Andes mountains, run down the middle of the
country, and are home to several million Indians. These people
are descendents of the ancient Incas, and still speak the Quechua
language and follow many of the same customs that their ancestors
have for hundreds of years. The second region is the narrow
coastal desert plain along the Pacific ocean. Except for a few
oasises where irrigation has caused the desert to bloom, this is
one of the driest most inhospitable regions on earth. The
Indians had little interest in living there, but when Spain
conquered Peru, the conquistadores promptly built their
capital, present-day Lima, along the coast. Other Spanish cities
were founded up and down the coast, and Peru's coastal desert,
focusing on Lima, became one of the strongest centers of creole
Spanish culture in the New World, and remained so well after
Into this scene stepped a man with a vision, Luis Pizarro C.
Pizarro was an entrepreneur and a big fan of Andean folk music.
In the 1940s he had arranged numerous folk-festivals in Lima,
bringing in provincial groups to play. Early in 1951, Pizarro
visited Radio El Sol, Lima's youngest station, and asked for a
time slot for an Andean music show. The station decided to give
him 6-7am daily at no cost, because they saw no use in such early
hours when they assumed no one would be listening. The creole
establishment that controlled Lima radio didn't attach any
importance to the fact that the serranos, true to their
rural roots, rose every morning with the sun. Thus, a few days
later, Lima's first folk music program, El Sol de los Andes
(Sun of the Andes) was born. In the first years, most of
the music was performed live since there were few commercial
recordings of Andean music in those days. From his days as a
promoter, Pizarro had lots of contacts and easily arranged for
both Lima-based groups and traveling provincial folk bands to
play on his show. The show had no income; the time was free, so
Pizarro didn't bother to sell ads and thus the bands were not
paid. But, the bands willingly played for prestige and
recognition, and because they were allowed to publicize their
future activities.
recent study counted more than 80 daily radio spaces of one hour
duration. More than half of these were via four stations: Radio
Folklore, Radio Inca, Radio San Isidro, and Radio Agricultura.
Furthermore, criolla music, the Spanish-based traditional
music of the coast, counted no more than 10-12 hours a day on
Lima stations.
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.