Many DXers consider Peruvian stations some of the most elusive
and rewarding shortwave broadcasting targets in Latin America.
The country offers numerous opportunities to log new, low-
powered outlets. Shortwave broadcast station's seem to come
and go in this exotic country. Peru's popularity among radio
hobbyists over the last decade can be traced to its many
stations that have operated on shortwave. During much of the
early 1980's, shortwave broadcast stations from Peru were
reasonably good verifiers of listener reception reports. But
as economic conditions deteriorated, so did the reply rates
from this country's shortwave broadcast stations. However,
recently I have noted a slight upturn in replies from this part
of Latin America. Perhaps, it was just a series of reports to
the right stations. However, a DXer is always hopeful that a
few good replies is indicative of a trend.
This DX Target will focus on six specific shortwave
broadcasters that have been known to verify listener reception
reports during the last twelve months. These aren't the only
stations verifying but they are the only one's that sent me
some information about their operations. However, before we
proceed with specific station details, a little background
information about Peru is in order.
Peru is one of the world's leading producers of copper, lead,
silver and zinc. It also ranks among the world's leading
fishing countries. However, most of the country's people are
poor. Many of them make a bare living farming. Other
Peruvian's work for low wages in the cities or are unemployed.
About two-thirds of the people live in cities or towns. The
rest live in rural areas. The largest city is the capital,
Lima, with about 4 million people. It is the largest, busiest
and most modern city in Peru. Calleao and Arequipa, each with
about 300 thousand people, rank next in size. Three other
Peruvian cities have a population of more than 150 thousand.
They are Chiclayo, Chimbote, and Trujillo.
About three-quarters of all Peruvians speak Spanish. The rest
speak various Indian languages with the most common being
Quechua. About 2 million Indians, who live in the highest
parts of the Andes, speak only Quechua. However, many
Peruvians speak both Spanish and an Indian Language.
The station, "La Primera Opcion en Radio", is a relatively
young enterprise. For eight years, Estacion Tarapoto has
broadcast a variety of programs for the region simultaneously
on three frequencies. On shortwave, the station can be heard
on 5,015 kHz with 700 watts. The call letters are OAZ9B. The
medium wave outlet on 1,250 kHz also uses only 700 watts. The
call letters are OAX9K. A third channel on FM broadcasts on
101.3 mHz.
The broadcast day commences at 1000 UTC and ends at 0500 UTC.
The station is proud of its news and public affairs programs.
La Ma ana en la Noticia is broadcast from 1100-1300 UTC each
day. Another program, El Mundo en Accion, features a variety
of music styles heard throughout the country.
The station's Gerente, Luis Hidalgo Sanchez, is a good verifier
of listener reception reports. Spanish language reports with
return postage can be sent to the station at:
Nueva Cajamarca, with a population of approximately 5 thousand,
is located in the province of Rioja in the Department of San
Martin. Agriculture is the most important element of the local
economy. The primary crops are rice and corn. The local
market places are abundant and active. They form a beehive of
commerce and serve as an integral part of the regions' economy.
Edilberto Lucio Peralta Lozada is the station's Gerente. He
replies to listener reports with a personal letter. Spanish
language reception reports with return postage can be sent to
the station at:
I was fortune to receive a long personal letter from Aladino
Gavidia Huaman, a station announcer and administrator prior to
his departure from Radio Nuevo Cajamarca. Unfortunately his
departure may mean QSL's from this station could be few and far
between. However, the good news is he is now working for Radio
Chota which transmits on 4,890 kHz so QSL's may be coming from
this Department of Cajamarca broadcaster in the near future.
However if you hear Radio Nuevo Cajamarca, I would suggest
sending a Spanish language reception report with return postage
direct to the station at:
Radio Cusco is the second oldest radio station in the country.
Established on 11 April 1936, the station was founded shortly
after Radio Nacional. In Peru, the station's slogan is "La Voz
de la Capital Arqueologica de America." It's shortwave
operations broadcast programs about Peruvian culture from the
time of the Inca Empire to the present.
Over the years, the station has received correspondence from
five continents. A Spanish language reception report with
return postage should result in a reply from the station's
Gerente, Raul Siu Almonte. Try the following simple address:
Radio Tarma was founded on 17 April 1958. On medium wave it
operates on 1,510 kHz using the call sign OCX4J. The AMSA
transmitter has a potential output of 3,000 watts. A Koley
transmitter with a power of 500 watts is kept on hand for
emergencies. On shortwave the station operates a 1,000 watt
Koley transmitter on 4,775 kHz with a call sign of OCX4E. The
500 watt FM transmitter utilizes 99.3 mHz and a call sign of
OCW4A. The station broadcasts simultaneous programs on medium
wave and shortwave. The stereo FM outlet transmits separate
programs. The studios are located at Molino del Amo 167 in
Tarma. The transmitters are located about 4 kilometers outside
of the town. The medium wave antenna is a polarized vertical
48 meters high. The shortwave antenna is a (TIPO) dipole 29
meters long and 15 meters above the ground. The four element
FM antenna is located on top of the studio and office building
in Tarma.
Radio Tarma is a fairly good verifier of listener reception
reports. The station replies with a full data form letter from
Mario Monteverde Pumareda, Gerente-General. Spanish language
reception reports and return postage can be sent to the station
at the following address:
Radio Naylamp broadcasts simultaneously on two frequencies. On
medium wave the station can be heard on 1,580 kHz with the call
sign OBX. On shortwave Radio Naylamp can be heard on 4,300 kHz
with a power of 500 watts. The operating hours are from 1000
UTC to 1500 UTC in the local morning and from 2200 UTC to 0300
UTC in the evening.
The station's Director-Gerente Juan Jos Grandez Vargas
verifies correct listener reception reports with a personal
letter and a station card. A Spanish language report with
return postage can be sent to the station at:
First, the Peruvian DXer award requires verification of at
least 25 shortwave broadcast stations. With a wealth of
currently active shortwave broadcast stations in Peru and a
possible renewal of reasonable reply rates to listener
reception reports, this award can be earned by the serious
DXer. However, it is not an easy award to add to your
collection. Harold Cones informs me that this award has been
earned by only five DXers since its inception in 1988. Gerry
Dexter (100 station endorsement) earned the first award. He
was followed by John Wilkins (25 stations), Chris Lobdell (25
stations), Don Moore (40 stations) and Dave Valko (25
Second, Peru counts as a separate country on the NASWA Country
List. By verifying Peru, you are adding a country to your QSL
totals. If Peru is your first verified country in South
America, you only have 9 countries to go to earn the South
American Continental DXer award. This award requires
verification of one shortwave broadcast station in at least 10
different South American broadcast countries. Earning this
award is not too difficult for the dedicated Latin DXer.
According to Dr. Cones, 122 DXers have earned this award since
its inception in June 1976. Some guy named Dexter was first
again! However, its more difficult sibling, the South American
Continental DXpert award, requires verification of one
shortwave broadcast station in at least 13 different Latin
American broadcast countries. Again, according to Harold
Cones, only 58 such awards have been issued since it was
introduced in June 1976. You will be happy to note that Alan
Mayer, not Gerry Dexter, was the first to receive this award.
Third, verification of Peru can help the DXer get closer to
earning a coveted DX Century award. These awards require
verification of at least one shortwave broadcast station in
each of 50, 100, 150, or 200 different broadcast countries.
The World Wide DXer award is for verifying 50 different radio
countries. The DX Centurion is issued to those DXers that have
verified 100 different broadcast countries. The Senior DX
Centurion recognizes the accomplishments of those hobbyists
that have verified 150 different radio countries. Finally, the
Master DX Centurion award is issued to those few DXers that
have verified 200 different broadcast countries.
Fourth, the Awards Program offers two awards based upon QSL's
received from tropical band stations. The first is the
Tropical Band DXer which requires verification of at least one
shortwave broadcast station in 50 broadcast countries between
the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, operating on shortwave
below 6,000 kHz. The second is the Senior Tropical Band DXer
which requires verification of 75 broadcast countries as
previously described. Since Peru lies within this region, a
verification from this country will count toward this award.
Fifth, in 1991 NASWA introduced the International DX Listener
award for having heard at least one shortwave broadcast station
in each of 50, 100, 150 or 200 different broadcast countries
and the Round The Clock Continental DXer which requires
verification of at least one shortwave broadcast station in
each continent, excluding Antarctica, within a 24 hour period.
The former is the only NASWA award that does not require
verifications from shortwave broadcast radio stations.
Finally, many Peruvian broadcasters are low-powered operations.
You may want to count one of these flea powered stations in
your QRP totals. The All Continent "QRP" DXer award requires
verification of one shortwave broadcast station from each radio
continent, with the power from the lowest powered station
verified in each continent totaled together for the lowest
possible wattage combination. The award is issued in 50, 25,
10, 5 and 2 KW increments. A low-powered catch from Peru can
significantly reduce your QRP totals.
DXing Peru's shortwave broadcast DX Targets can contribute to
12 different NASWA awards utilizing the club's Country List.
For US$2.00 you can obtain the latest version of the club's
Country List and Awards Program booklet which describes the
cost and requirements for awards in great detail. The booklet
is available through the Company Store (45 Wildflower Road,
Levittown, PA 19057 USA).
Good luck with these Peruvian DX Targets. Remember to send
your logs to Sheryl Paszkiewicz or Wallace Treibel for
inclusion in the log report columns and those elusive Peruvian
QSL's to Sam Barto for his QSL Reports column.
This website is maintained by Don Moore,
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DX Target: Peru
A Look At Six Peruvian Broadcasters
By Richard A. D'Angelo
Radio is the chief means of mass communication in Peru. The
country has hundreds of broadcast radio stations, some of which
transmit in both Quechua and Spanish. Of particular interest
to the shortwave broadcast DXer are over 150 stations in the
1993 edition of the World Radio Television Handbook listed as
broadcasting on shortwave from Peru. Many of these stations
are low-powered and rarely heard. Others transmit on very
erratic schedules. Just about all radio stations in Peru
suffer from power shortages which can curtail the broadcast day
in this country. Because of the lack of reliable electricity,
many of these stations only operate during their local
mornings. Consequently, the best time in North America to log
shortwave broadcasters from Peru is during their morning around
1000 UTC sign-on. European listeners find good openings around
midnight UTC and even earlier during the winter as darkness
approaches in Latin America.
The Country
Peru is the third largest country in South America and home to
numerous, and often exotic, shortwave broadcast station DX
Targets. Only Brazil and Argentina cover a greater area. The
country lies in western South America along the Pacific Ocean.
The long, narrow coast consists of a desert drier than the
Sahara. Most of Peru's large cities lie in this region. The
Andes Mountains rise to the east of the coast and extend north
and south down the entire length of the country. This region
is famous for its grass-covered plateaus, crystal-clear air and
sparkling sunshine. Thick rain forests and jungles cover most
of the hot, humid region east of the Andes. The People
Peru has a population of about 21 million people. It is
estimated that as many as 8 million Peruvians are Indians. The
rest of the country's population consists mainly of people of
mixed Indian and white ancestry. Whites make up only a small
part of Peru's total population. The Language
Spanish became Peru's official language soon after Spain
conquered the Inca's in the 1530's. It remained the only
official language of the country until 1975 when the government
made the Indian language of Quechua an official language along
with Spanish. Estacion Tarapoto
Radio Estacion Tarapoto is located in the city of Tarapoto in
the Department of San Martin. The region has a tropical
climate with 40 degree centigrade temperatures quite common and
frequent, unforeseeable torrential rain storms. Tarapoto in a
dynamic commercial city and is the capital for commercial
activities in San Martin.
Jiron Federico Snchez 720
Tarapoto, Dpto. San Martin
Peru Ondas Del Mayo
This Peruvian broadcaster is very new to the international
shortwave broadcast scene. It commenced broadcasting from
Nueva Cajamarca in January 1992 on 6,803 kHz with a transmitter
capable of only 250 watts. The station operates from 1000-1200
UTC and 2100-0100 UTC with a variety of music programs.
Evenings include a lively musical request program that is very
popular with the local listeners.
Jiron Huallaga 348
Nueva Cajamarca, San Martin
Peru Radio Nuevo Cajamarca
The last of our San Martin broadcasters is Radio Nuevo
Cajamarca. Operating on 5,800 kHz with 1,000 watts, this
station puts in a fairly reliable signal most mornings during
the DX season. The station is scheduled to operate from 1145
UTC to 1500 UTC and from 1800 UTC to 0200 UTC Monday through
Saturday with an 0100 UTC sign-off on Sunday. I have heard
nothing but lively music programs on this stations which has
made for some enjoyable listening.
Avenida Cajamarca 126
Nueva Cajamarca, San Martin
Radio Cusco
Finally a station not located in San Martin! Radio Cusco, of
the city and department of the same name, has recently moved
from its traditional 6,191.7 kHz to 6,203.7 kHz due to
interference from the new Bolivian station, Radio
Metropolitana, on 6,194.5 kHz. The station operates from 1000
UTC to 0300 UTC with 1,000 watts of power. The 49 meter band
outlet is designed to serve a national and international
audience. The medium wave channel on 1,470 kHz serves a local
and regional audience.
Casilla 251
Cusco, Cusco
Radio Tarma
Located high in the Andes Mountains, Radio Tarma broadcasts
from a location over 3,000 meters above sea level. The city of
Tarma is approximately 250 kilometers east of Lima. The city's
population of 150 thousand enjoy temperatures that range from 6
to 23 centigrade with an average temperature during the year
of 15 centigrade. The principle economic activities of the
region are agriculture, livestock, and commerce. There are
numerous archeological monuments recognizing the achievements
of the Incas.
Molino Del Amo 167
Apartado 167
Tarma, Peru Radio Naylamp
Broadcasting from "la Provincia de Lambayque" is Radio Naylamp.
Located in the city of Lambayque, the station broadcasts to the
surrounding region on medium wave and shortwave. The station's
message is broadcast in parts of the Andes and the 11 districts
that make up the province. Radio Naylamp's programs address
the customs and music of the region. During my first reception
of this station, I heard a program about the people and the
music of Peru. Most of the music consisted of Huaynos which is
a staple of this station's program line up.
Avenida Huamachuco 1080
Lambayque, Lambayque
Peru Awards Program
As mentioned in December's DX Target about broadcasting in
Nigeria, NASWA has the most extensive shortwave broadcast
awards program in the hobby under the able leadership of its
chairman, Dr. Harold Cones. Similar to the DX Target feature
about DXing in Nigeria, in this section I plan to review the
awards that your Peruvian DXing exploits can contribute to. Conclusion
Exploring Peru through its broadcast stations on shortwave is a
very rewarding experience. The wide array of domestic
broadcast targets provide many challenges and opportunities to
the serious DXer. However, DXing Peru is not just for the
seasoned veteran. A careful watch of the Log Report,
Listeners' Notebook and QSL Report sections of the JOURNAL will
keep the devoted listener up to date on new stations, frequency
changes, verifications signers and other relevant news from
this region. Armed with this knowledge, Peru becomes fair game
for any listener with a passion to explore its broadcasting
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.