(Note the Appendices to this study are several items clipped from Venezuelan
newspapers. For copyright reasons, they are not included here. However, my
accompanying English explanations below provide a summary of each one.)
Appendix one: This is the television listings from the January 3, 1995
edition of El Nacional, the national Venezuelan newspaper from Caracas.
The first page listings are local broadcast stations. A glance over the list
will show many programs from the US commercial networks. Canal 37 has two
daily newscasts from the NBC network. The second page is a listing of US
channels available via cable or satelite.
Appendix two: This advertisement for the Venevision television network
shows Venevision with just over half of the television audience, according to
a survey by AGB. The survey was conducted between 6:00 a.m. and midnight on
Sunday, January 1, 1995, which is probably not exactly a representative day
for television viewing. By contrast, Jeff White's 1992 study has pie charts
from a Radio Caracas Television ad (Venevision's main competitor) showing RCTV
with between forty-six and forty-eight percent of the audience for a survey
done the second week of June, 1992. Another signifacant difference is that the
CRTV survey specifies that it was for only levels A, B, C, and D, or the top
four of Venezuela's five economic classes. The Venevision data represents all
five levels. Regardless, the data is both is suspect in that each network
probably paid for the study that it used.
Appendix three: This short article was in El Globo, a tabloid
from Caracas on January 3, 1995. The headline is that in five years there will
be twenty million cable TV subscribers in Latin America. The article state
that there are currently six million cable subscribers in Latin America, with
four million in Argentina and 1.5 million in Mexico. They are followed by
Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, and Peru. The upcoming entrance of cable TV to
Brazil will be a main factor in the jump in cable subscribers. While the US
has 65 percent of its homes connected to cable, Argentina (the leader in Latin
America) has 45 percent. The article goes on to say that the cable system in
Chile is just four years old and already has 300,000 subscribers. In the next
five years, that is expected to grow to one million homes, or one in three
Chilean homes. In Chile there are 67 stations available via cable TV. Fifty
different locations have cable, under twenty-five different owners. Among the
owners are CTC, TCI, and AT&T. The researcher who has compiled this data,
Carlos Catalan of National Television Council of Chile, hopes that this rapid
increase in cable television will help promote the development of interactive
Appendix four: This is the daily television schedule from El
Tiempo for Bogota. The first page is the local listings of Colombian
stations. On the second page are the listings for the cable service.
Appendix five: This is the cable television schedule for Medellin from
El Colombiano. As very few channels are listed, I wonder if there are
more channels that are not listed, perhaps because it may be difficult to get
advance listings from foreign stations. The last channel, marked N.D., is
interesting in that it includes noticieros (newscasts) from Eco (the
Mexican network, I assume) and one from Aleman, which means German in Spanish.
Continue to next part --
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This article is copyright 1995 by Don Moore. It may not be
printed in any publication without written permission. Permission is
granted for all interested readers to share and pass on the ASCII
text file of this article or to print it out for personal use. In
such case, your comments on the article would be appreciated.
This website is maintained by Don Moore,
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.