This Colombian presence does not go unnoticed in Venezuela. Many radio
people that I talked to complained of the dominant Colombian presence
on AM. And, apparently, Venezuelans do listen. The family we stayed
with in Merida tuned in Caracol news on AM one evening and on my bus
from Valera to San Cristobal, the driver tuned in Caracol for about
thirty minutes. I also noted Colombian stations in the Cucuta area
greeting Venezuelan listeners, and Venezuelan station in Tachira state
greeting Colombian listeners.
Coincidentally, I also monitored some of Caracol's coverage of the
1992 US presidential election returns and found it to be quite good
and up-to-the-minute in giving results as reported on the US
television networks. Obviously, they were monitoring US sources and
reporting immediately. However, they also had some direct feeds as
they carried (with translation in foreground) Vice-President Quayle's
concession speech live before the US TV networks even mentioned that
he was giving one. The US TV networks carried a brief video feed
several minutes after the event. Although I can't recall now, Caracol
may have had reporters in the US to cover the election. I do recall
hearing a Caracol reporter (or stringer, perhaps) live from Israel
during the Gulf War.
The strength and professionalism of Caracol and RCN should not be
underestimated. Both have excellent news departments and do a very
good job of covering international news. I am especially familiar with
Caracol in this regard, as I listen to them frequently on 5075 kHz
shortwave in the US. On the other hand, both (but especially Caracol)
are frequently criticized because they belong to the huge
conglomerates that control Colombia's legal economy. Many consider the
networks to be biased representatives of Colombia's upper-classes.
For national coverage, both Caracol and RCN have an extensive web of
network-owned stations throughout the country. In fact, RCN has two
such nationwide groups, RCN (sometimes referred to as RCN
basico on the air) and Antena Dos. Many of these are previously
independent stations purchased by the networks and given generic
network names such as Caracol Barranquilla or RCN Sogamoso (according
to the city of location). Caracol even has an affiliate in the USA,
Caracol Miami. However, these are not simply relay transmitters. While
they do carry the main network hub from Bogota much of the broadcast
day (and in the overnight slot), the regional stations also have their
own staffs and produce local news and sports programs and give local
station identifications. Most importantly, they act as regional news
bureaus and reports from regional stations around the country are an
important part of national newscasts on both Caracol and RCN.
In addition to the network-owned web, many privately-owned stations
are affiliated with Caracol or RCN and carry network newscasts or
sports programming at certain times of day. Network affiliations are
sometimes mentioned during station identification announcements even
when there is no network programming. This seems to act as a promotion
for the network.
There are, of course, other Colombian radio networks. The only ones
with a national presence are Todelar and Super, both commercial, and
the evangelical Colmundo network. However, these networks are not in
the same league as Caracol and RCN, in terms of market dominance, news
coverage, number of stations, etc.
As I was mostly in Cucuta on a shopping trip, I did not take the time
to visit any radio stations. However, I did come across an electronics
market - that is a large building with small stalls and stores inside
that sell electronics goods. Markets such as this are common in Latin
America for food, clothing, and lower-priced consumer goods. However,
the only other dedicated electronics-market I've ever seen in Latin
America was in Arica, Chile. Regardless, the Cucuta vendors had a
similar selection of shortwave receivers as I had seen in Venezuela.
Many had the International/Suny/Sonivox eight-band receiver for
similar prices and several had Aiwa old-style analog receivers. The
only name-brand receivers were a Sony SW-10 at $90 and a ICF-7601 at
$112. Aside from the electronics market, I did not see any electronics
or appliance stores while wandering the central business district.
When I arrived in Cucuta about 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, one of the first
things I did was stop by a vendor to pick up some papers. I was
surprised to note that other than the local La Opinion and
La Nacion from San Cristobal, all the papers were from the
previous day. The vendor explained that that day's papers from other
cities would arrive in about an hour. Sure enough, around noon I noted
a truck unloading several bundles of newspapers for a vendor. I find
it somewhat surprising that a city of Cucuta's size would get national
newspapers so late in the day. By contrast, in Venezuela even small
cities like Trujillo and El Vigia had the Caracas newspapers by 8:30
a.m. Perhaps the reason for the national papers arriving in Cucuta so
late has to do with airline schedules.
EL TIEMPO, Bogota, January 10, 1995. Once the out-of-town
newspapers arrived, there were several from Bogota. I picked up El
Tiempo because I knew it to be the best in Colombia. In fact, when
I was in graduate school at Ohio University, the library subscribed to
the Sunday edition of El Tiempo and I was a regular reader.
This was the first time I had seen a weekday edition, however, and I
found it to be up to the high standards I expected.
Page one of the first section was all national news and immediately
inside were two pages of domestic editorials. After several pages of
national and local news, there was a three page section (no ads) of
international news beginning on page nine. Larger articles covered
topics such as the murder of some Colombians in New York City,
politics in Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, France, and Italy, US financial
help for Mexico, and Republican criticism of President Clinton for his
positions on Bosnia and Chechen. There were also several small one
paragraph or less items.
Section B was devoted entirely to economics, with a selection of
articles on both national and international topics. It also included
the two page Wall Street Journal feature as found in
Venezuela's El Nacional. Section C was a special weekly insert
on computers. There was a selection of articles on the Internet,
various hardware and software, and an interview with Bill Gates,
focusing in part on Microsoft's Colombian operations. Finally, section
D was the "Life" section, with social articles, sports, comics,
I found El Tiempo to be a very good and interesting newspaper.
Like its Venezuelan counterparts, it is no New York Times, but,
like them, it is every bit as good as newspapers like The Des
Moines Register.
EL COLOMBIANO, Medellin, January 10, 1995. Medellin is
Colombia's second city in importance, so I wasn't surprised to find it
has a good widely-distributed newspaper. Section one on this day began
with national news on the front page. Actually, the main story was
international of sorts, as it was about the murder of a group of
Colombians in New York City. The opinion section took up pages two and
three. The editorials were all about local and national issues except
for one on China after Deng. This was followed by several pages of
international news. There was a very long article on the Chechen
situation, shorter ones on Israel and Chiapas, and another very long
one on corruption in Guatemala. These were accompanied by many short
one-paragraph news stories from around the world. Section one ended
with two pages of local and national news.
The first page of the second section featured articles on the domestic
economy. The second section was rounded off with classifieds, art,
cinema, music, and sports. In coverage of international and national
news, El Colombiano was certainly equal to Maracaibo's
Panorama. The international articles were from the AFP press
service and quite good. I wonder, however, how they would treat a
story about one of Medellin's drug lords.
LA OPINION, Cucuta, January 10, 1995. This is Cucuta's only
local daily newspaper and, surprisingly I thought, was every bit as
good as El Colombiano from much larger Medellin. There was a
lot of international news, but it was scattered throughout the paper.
Section A was mostly national and local news, except for articles on
Chechen and the upcoming Peruvian elections. There were two pages of
editorials on local and national issues only.
The first page of the second section was devoted to a lengthy article
on Eriteria. There was no press service byline, but it was written by
Edith Lederer, not exactly a Spanish name, so I guess it was a
translation from somewhere. Inside were several general interest
articles and one on Spain in the nineteen years since General Franco's
death. The entire back page of this section was given over to computer
Section C was divided between sports in the front and more in-depth
international news in the back. There was a lengthy Reuters article on
Chechen, mid-length articles on an assassination plot in Honduras, and
politics or economics in Israel, Brazil, and Mexico, as well as
several very short items.
While El Colombiano and La Opinion were not as good of
newspapers as El Tiempo, I would still have to rank them to
nearly El Tiempo's level in terms of international coverage, at
least from the one day that I saw. Considering that these newspapers
represent the premier newspaper from the capital, a major one from the
second city, and the daily of a mid-size city, there appears to be
adequate coverage of international news in the Colombian press.
This article is copyright 1995 by Don Moore. It may not be
printed in any publication without written permission. Permission is
granted for all interested readers to share and pass on the ASCII
text file of this article or to print it out for personal use. In
such case, your comments on the article would be appreciated.
This website is maintained by Don Moore,
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As noted above, I heard about half-again as many Colombian AM stations
as Venezuelans in my monitoring in Venezuela. Colombian radio clearly
has a presence in western Venezuela. Colombia has about twice as many
AM stations as Venezuela, and western Venezuela is almost as close to
the central populated core of Colombia as it is to the equivalent area
of Venezuela. Also, I think the mountains of western Venezuela act as
a sort of funnel for transmissions from the direction of Colombia,
while simultaneously blocking signals from the Caracas area.
Despite their complaints, Venezuelan radio personnel clearly respect
the Colombian radio industry. They spoke in glowing, sometimes awed,
terms about Caracol and RCN, Colombia's two largest networks. As noted
above, some stations such as Radio San Sebastian and Radio 1560
monitor Caracol and RCN for international news. At Radio 1560, they
even monitored Caracol for coverage of the 1992 US election returns.
As mentioned above, I made a short (three hour) visit to Cucuta,
Colombia while in Tachira state. Cucuta seemed very similar to nearby
San Cristobal, in that both were relatively modern business-oriented
cities. Populations are about the same. Cucuta's central business
district was larger than San Cristobal's, but had few high rises
compared to San Cristobal. Cucuta seemed to be a very friendly, safe
city. Many Venezuelans had told me that Cucuta does not have the drug-
trade and crime problems that one finds in a few other Colombian
Unlike nearby Venezuela, newspapers in Cucuta (I won't speculate on
the rest of Colombia) are sold by vendors who place their wares on
plastic sheets or wire racks on the sidewalk. This is not so permanent
as the kiosks of Venezuela, but more so than the wandering newspeople
of Central America or Ecuador and Peru. Like their Venezuelan
counterparts, Cucuta's newspaper vendor do not seem particularly
aggressive. In my three hours in the city, I was not asked once if I
wanted a newspaper.
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.