Hola amigos! Welcome to another edition of Latin Destinations.
Currently there are about a half-dozen "regular" stations, and
another eight or ten stations that are heard with varying degrees of
irregularity. However, Venezuelans are not that difficult to hear
(assuming they are on the air). First, Venezuela is the closest
South American country to North America. Secondly, Venezuelan
stations tend to be larger, commercially more successful, and more
powerful than their Andean counterparts to the South. Lastly,
technical standards in Venezuela seem to be much higher than in most
of the rest of Latin America.
Most Venezuelan SW stations are on the air from 1000-0400 UTC (6am to
midnight, local time). They are much more likely to sign-on early
than stay on late; several have 0900 sign-ons. That schedule gives
North American DXers two chances at Venezuelan DX, the first from
around your local sunset until 0400 signoff, and the second from 1000
until Venezuelan sunrise (which usually precedes sunrise in most of
North America). On a good mid-winter day on the East Coast, it is
occasionally possible to hear the 60MB Venezuelans as early as 2000,
if there isn't too much interference from the Africans.
Elsewhere in Venezuela, Radio Continental on 4940 has usually been
active and easy to hear since it began SW broadcasts about two years
ago, although as I write this it has been off the air for a few
weeks. Radio Valera on 4840 is much weaker, but can be heard with a
little trying. Radio Los Andes, also called Radio Mil Cuarenta
(1040) after its AM frequency, can sometimes be heard on 6011
variable, especially in the morning, but QRM can be a problem.
Venezuela's all-Spanish international service can sometimes be heard
on 9540 kHz, as long as the more powerful intenational broadcasters
make room for it. Of course, we shouldn't forget the Venezuelan
version of WWV, YVTO on 5000 kHz. In the East, YVTO can be heard in
the early evening before WWV fades in on 5 MHz. Otherwise you may
have to do a little careful listening to get this underneath WWV.
Finally, there are a lot of inactive Venezuelans that occasionally
turn on their SW transmitters for a few days, a few weeks, or even a
few months. Some that have done that recently are Radio Libertador,
3245; La Voz del Tigre (Radio 980), 3255; Radio Mara, 3275; and Radio
Maracaibo, 4860.
Venezuelan stations on the whole don't seem to be much better than
the rest of Latin America when it comes to QSLing, but the more
easily heard stations are generally good verifiers. Ecos del Torbes,
Radio Rumbos, Radio Continental, YVTO, and Radio Valera all have
their own QSL cards. Radio Tachira and Radio Los Andes are good
letter verifiers. As usual, write a good, polite Spanish report, and
include a few local souvenirs. Return postage doesn't appear to be
quite as important with Venezuelans, as the stations are better off
financially than many stations elsewhere in Latin America. Still,
you could enclose some mint stamps or a dollar bill for extra
insurance. As usual with small LAm stations, don't bother with
difficult-to-exchange IRCs, though!
This website is maintained by Don Moore,
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A Quick Look at Venezuela
By Don Moore
With the winter DX season now underway, I thought this month we would
make this a true beginners' column and focus on one of the easiest
LAm targets, Venezuela. Experienced LAm DX aficionados should still
read on, however, as there is a bit of info below that may help your
station counts.
Venezuela has always been a favorite LAm DX target of mine because
when I started LAm DXing in 1972, the sixty meter band was chock-full
of Venezuelans - almost one every ten kilohertz. There were also
several stations on 90 and 49 meters, but I cut my LAm DX teeth going
after the YVs on 60 meters. In fact, my first tropical band LAm
station logged and station QSLed was now-inactive Radio Barquisimeto
on 4990 kHz. Unfortunately, Venezuelan activity on SW gradually
declined through the 70s and into the mid-80s. In some other LAm
countries, similar declines have been partially abated by new
stations coming on the air, particularly from more remote regions.
This hasn't been the case in Venezuela; only one new station powered
up during the 80s (although there have been rumors of at least two
more for several years).
All of the "best bets" for Venezuela are in the 60 meterband.
My two favorites, Ecos del Torbes on 4980 and Radio Tachira on 4830,
are both in the city of San Cristobal on the Colombian border. Ecos
del Torbes is so well heard that several years ago Radio Earth
investigated buying transmitter time from them. The anti-Castro
clandestine network La Voz del CID, took that a step further and
actually did buy an hour a day for a while.
The most important station in Venezuela is Radio Rumbos, which
operates two 100 Kw AM stations on 570 and 670 kHz, each from a
different transmitter site. Rumbos is also the anchor station of
Venezuela's largest radio network, and their newscasts, with a
doorbell-like chime between each item, can occasionally be heard on
other Venezuelan stations. Radio Rumbos also operates two 10 Kw SW
transmitters on 4970 and 9660 kHz. The latter one is usually best
heard in the mornings when the European QRM is gone. Few DXers,
however, know that the two SW frequencies, like the MW ones, come
from different transmitter sites, and thus may be counted as two
seperate stations. 4970, and 570 MW, come from the site in Villa de
Cura, Aragua state, about 50 miles outside Caracas. 9660, and 670
MW, broadcast from the main site in the Distrito Federal. These
transmitter sites are listed in the WRTH (although not PWBR) and have
been confirmed by Venezuelan DXers who visited Radio Rumbos.
1996 Addendum:Ecos del Torbes on 4980 and Radio Tachira on 4830
continue to be the best ways to log Venezuela. Radio Rumbos hasn't
been on 4970 for a few years, but is still on 9660. There are no
other Venezuelan stations regularly on shortwave. In North America,
these stations can be heard in the evenings from around sunset
or just after until signoff at 0400 UTC (midnight Venezuelan time).
They can be heard again in the morning from sign-on (usually 0900 UTC
or 5 a.m. Venezuelan time) until they fade out with the dawn.
As reception on these frequencies is dependent on a darkness path,
obviously winter is the best time to listen since there is a
longer 'window' of reception.
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.