Guatemala's radio stations can be divided into three categories,
based on ownership. Most numerous are privately owned commercial
stations, which broadcast on AM, and occasionally FM. Commercial
broadcasting on shortwave is prohibited in Guatemala. A large
percentage of Guatemala's commercial stations are located in the
capital city. The remainder are located in departmental capitals
and a few other principal large towns (Sennitt, 1989). Since
starting a radio station requires an extensive capital outlay, it
can be assumed that most, if not all, station owners are well-off
But how do they tie into Guatemala's language situation? Based
on my own extensive monitoring of Guatemalan radio while living
three years in nearby Honduras and on several trips to Guatemala,
and on observations made by members of the Guatemala DX
Club in Guatemala City, only one commercial station in the
entire country uses an Indian language in its broadcasts! (Moore,
1989b). True, commercial stations in Guatemala City and regions
where Indian languages are not spoken, or not widely spoken,
would not be expected to broadcast in Indian languages. However,
there are numerous stations in the departmental capitals and
principal towns in the highland Indian country. True, the
Indians are the poorest members of society, and hence of less
potential interest to advertisers. However, their large numbers
do give them some purchasing clout. I can not help but think of
how it is the Indian who is always served last in a store. It
seems as if that prejudice towards the Indian has carried over to
commercial broadcasting, in regards to his language.
The second category of stations is those owned by religious
organizations, principally the Catholic Church and various
Evangelist churches and missions. In order to reach remote
mountain villages, these stations make extensive use of
shortwave, but also use AM and FM in a few cases. What is
special about the church stations is their use of Indian
languages in rural radio since the very beginning, in 1962. Every
few years one or the other church adds a new station, and with
all of Guatemala's Indian languages, there's plenty of room for
more (Moore, 1989b).
Presently, the Catholic Church operates seven rural Indian radio
stations. The group which gets the most attention is the
Quiches, who, as mentioned above, are the largest
indigenous group in Guatemala. There are two AM stations using
their language, La Voz de Colomba and Radio Quiche. The third
Quiche station, La Voz de Nahuala uses shortwave (Moore,
1983, 1989b). Simon points out that in the 1960s Catholics
distributed free radios in a Quiche area "permanently
tuned to a Catholic radio station" (Simon 1987 40). This
assumedly would have been La Voz de Nahuala, the first Catholic
station.As there is no Catholic station for the Cakchiquel
Indians, La Voz de Nahuala also broadcasts in that language a few
hours a day, Monday to Friday (on weekends the Cakchiquel
staff goes home to see their families!) (Moore, 1983, 1989b).
The two other major language groups, the Mam and the
Kekchi, are also served by the Catholic church, through
Radio Mam and Radio Tezulutlan, respectively. Additionally,
there are two Catholic stations broadcasting in lesser Indian
languages which bear looking into.
In the eastern town of Jocotan, Belgian and West German Catholics
have been supporting shortwave Radio Chortis for years. As the
station name implies, Jocotan is the center of the Chorti
Indian culture. However, the station only broadcasts in
Chorti for one hour a day, three days a week. The
remainder of the broadcasts are in Spanish (Moore, 1983, 1989b).
Although this initially seems surprising, it is not in light of
Stewart's claim that the Chorti Indians are almost totally
bilingual. By broadcasting mainly in Spanish, the station can
also reach Ladino peasants in neighboring departments. In
fact, they receive significant amounts of listener mail from
Ladinos in neighboring departments (Moore, 1983).
The last Catholic station is La Voz de Atitlan, which broadcasts
in the Tzutuhil language from Santiago Atitlan on the
south shore of Lake Atitlan (Moore, 1983). This station is very
active in promoting the social welfare of the Indians, and
championing their rights in the dominant Ladino culture.
Perhaps it was too active. On October 24, 1980, station director
Gaspar Culan was kidnapped, tortured and killed by a right wing
death squad. A few days later the station was attacked, its
equipment smashed, and its files stolen (Rooney & Isaacson,
1981). Since then the station has had an on-again/off-again
history, being prohibited from broadcasting by the military for
months on end, then permitted to return at a reduced schedule
(Moore, 1983, 1989b). During my 1987 visit to the station, the
station was prohibited from broadcasting in the mornings, but was
allowed on the air for a few hours each evening. The current
director noted the Ladinos who are in charge of the local
military garrison don't understand Tzutuhil. They are
distrustful of that which they don't understand, and tend to
assume it's subversive.
The Evangelists have not been as quick to use radio to reach the
rural Indians as have the Catholics. There are only three
Evangelist stations, and although the first one came on the air
in 1962, the other two only appeared in the past two years. The
original evangelist station, Radio Maya de Barillas broadcasts to
the small Kanjobel population of northern Huehuetenango
department, and also carries some Mam programs (Moore,
1988). There are also unconfirmed reports that it uses some
other less spoken languages of the region, such as Chuj
and Ixil.
More recently, in 1987, the evangelists gave the Mam
Indians their own station by founding Radio Buenas Nuevas. Soon
after, Radio Kekchi came on the air for the Kekchi Indians
(Moore, 1988). It is interesting that these stations are
directly challenging Catholic stations Radio Mam and Radio
Tezulutlan for listeners (Moore, 1989b).
As a side note, it is worth mentioning yet another evangelist
station, TGN Radio Cultural. Since its founding in the early
1950s, this station has served the Spanish speaking community
around Guatemala City. A few years ago however, the station took
note of the increasing number of Indian immigrants to the capital
city. Because of that, morning broadcasts were added from 4:30-
6:00 am, in the four main Indian languages.
Finally, the government also has its place in the Guatemalan
radio broadcasting scene. It owns and operates TGW, La Voz de
Guatemala in Guatemala City, on AM, FM and occasionally
shortwave. There are affiliate stations to TGW in a few of the
principal towns. TGW exclusively broadcasts in Spanish. In
fact, when I questioned the station's program director as to
whether or not they used Indian languages, he looked as surprised
by the question as if I had asked him if they broadcast in
In summary, Guatemalan radio reflects the country's linguistic
situation in that both commercial and government stations - those
controlled by Ladinos - ignore the Indian population.
Their attitude seems to be 'if the Indians want to listen, let
them listen in Spanish', which is not unlike their attitude
towards educating the Indians.
On the other hand, both the Catholic church and the Protestant
evangelist missionaries have been very open to using radio to
broadcast to the Indian peasants. This is not surprising,
considering their early interest in bilingual education for the
Indians. It should be noted that in neither religion's case do
the stations broadcast religion exclusively. Much of the
broadcast day is given over to health and education programs, and
to local music (Moore, 1983, 1988, 1989b).
Peru has about three-and-a-half million Quechua speakers
out of a total population of seventeen million. In addition
there are about half-a-million Aymara speakers. Although
their numbers are small, compared to the total population, the
Indians are concentrated in five southern mountain departments,
where they make up as much as ninety percent of the population.
Over half of Bolivia's 5.2 million population are Indians, about
equally divided between Quechuas and Aymaras. As
in Guatemala, the Indians of Peru and Bolivia were subdued by the
Spanish and then relegated to the roles of peasants at the bottom
end of society.
However, there is a major difference between Guatemala, on the
one hand, and Peru and Bolivia on the other hand. Both of the
latter countries have had governments which have taken a positive
approach to bilingual education and language planning. The
Indians and peasants of Bolivia began receiving a more active
role in the government since that country's 1952 revolution. In
Peru, serious attention was given to the peasants after a
leftwing military coup in 1969. Although other governments have
come and gone in the interim in both cases, what was started
could not be stopped.
Bilingual education has been at the forefront of both countries'
policies. In recent years "there has been a tradition of
positive government policy towards bilingual education programmes
in Andean Latin America" (Minaya-Rowe,1986, 468), and
moreover, the aim of these programs "as officially stated, is
not to produce a nation of monolingual Spanish speakers, but
rather one of bilingual Spanish-Quechua speakers" (Minaya-
Rowe, 1986, 475). Bolivia's education system uses "a
bilingual approach which will educate its adult population,
allowing them to retain their own languages and cultures, while
at the same time providing the opportunity to learn Spanish
(Stark, 1985, p541). Peru designed its bilingual education
program "to draw the indigenous groups into the Peruvian
mainstream efficiently and with respect shown to their language
and culture" (Hornberger, 1987, 206).
Both countries have even gone a step further. In 1975,
Quechua was made an official language of Peru (Escobar
1981, Hornberger 1987), which even included the teaching of
Quechua to Spanish speakers. Similarly, both
Quechua and Aymara were made official languages,
coequal to Spanish, in Bolivia (Minaya-Rowe, 1986). One of the
manifestations of giving official status was "the use of both
Quechua or Aymara and Spanish on (the) radio"
(Minaya-Rowe, 1986). There are, in fact, some great differances
between these countries and Guatemala in regards to the use of
Indian languages in radio broadcasting.
Both countries, like Guatemala, have Catholic and Protestant
stations that use Indian languages (Ballon, 1987; Fontenelle,
1985; Gavilan, 1983; Moore, 1985; Oros, 1987; Perry, 1982;
Povrzenic, 1987b, 1987c). But what about privately owned
commercial stations? In the Andean highlands of southern and
central Peru, there are at least several commercial stations
known to broadcast in Quechua and/or Aymara, in
addition to Spanish (Hirahara & Inoue, 1984a, 1984b; Llorens and
Tamayo, 1987; Povrzenic, 1987a, 1987b). These include at least
one member of the Cadena de Emisoras Cruz, one of Peru's largest
radio networks (Hirahara & Inoue, 1984a). In addition, Peru's
most powerful commercial radio broadcaster, Radio Union in Lima,
has an hour long program in Quechua every morning
(Hirahara, 1981; Montoya, 1987). Likewise, in Bolivia commercial
broadcasters are known to broadcast in indigenous languages
(Gwyn, 1983; La Defensa, 1986; Povrzenic, 1983).
What is most significant, though, is that in both cases the
official government stations have added Indian language
broadcasts. Peru's Radio Nacional broadcasts in both
Quechua and Aymara (Povrzenic, 1987a), as does
Bolivia's Radio Illimani (Moore, 1985). In fact, the Peruvian
government went a step further in 1988 when they renamed Radio
Nacional with the Quechua name Radio Pachicutec (Klemetz,
In summary, the sociolinguistic situation in Peru and Bolivia is
markedly different from that in Guatemala, although all three
share Spanish as a dominant language over various native
languages. The difference, though is that in Peru and Bolivia,
efforts have been made not only to preserve, but to give status
to the native languages. Furthermore, the status of native
languages in the two countries is reflected in their use by all
levels of radiobroadcasting in each country; private, religious,
and governmental.
The low use of Indian languages on Guatemalan radio is
unfortunate, in that radio broadcasts can help preserve
languages. For example, radio broadcasts are one of several
reasons that Quechua will be maintained in Southern Peru
(Hornberger, 1987). Indeed, Tujab recognizes that when she
calls for the establishment of government stations to
broadcast in the various Guatemalan indigenous languages
(Tujab, 1987a). Of course, the religious stations in Guatemala
have done a remarkable job of using indigenous languages on the
air. But certainly the Indians would feel that their cultures
and languages are much more an integral part of Guatemalan
society if their languages were used by all types of Guatemalan
In fact, it is the ignoring of the Indian languages by the
government station, La Voz de Guatemala, that is most
significant. Here is the official voice of a national government
which ignores the native languages of over half its population.
An in-depth analysis of the 1989 World Radio TV Handbook
confirms that this statistic is matched by no other country on
earth. Indeed, although specific data on some African countries
is hard to come by, it would seem reasonable to state that no
other country even ignores as much as twenty percent of its
population. Perhaps more than anything else, this statistic
demonstrates the view of the Guatemalan government and the
Ladino society it represents towards the country's
indigenous languages and people.
Part One: Background on the
Sociolinguistics of Guatemalan Indigenous Languages
The above article is copyright 1989 by Don Moore.
This website is maintained by Don Moore,
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By Don Moore
Because Guatemala is an underdeveloped Third World country, mass
communications and the media take on quite different roles than,
for example, in the United States. Television coverage is
limited, and its audience generally consists of upper and middle
class people in Guatemala City and other principal towns.
Television signals do not reach the mountainous rural areas where
most of the country's peasantry live. Guatemala's newspapers,
which are exclusively in Spanish, are likewise only available in
the larger cities and towns. Besides, a newspaper is of little
use to an illiterate or semiliterate peasant.
Radio is the only means of mass communication that can
effectively tie rural Guatemala to the rest of the world.
"Radio is, in fact, so ubiquitous that batteries are price
controlled by the government as 'essential items' along with
food" (Simon 1987 191). Guatemala's radio broadcasting
system is one of the most developed in Central America. From a
sociolinguistic standpoint, however, what is interesting is how
closely the Guatemalan radio broadcasting scene reflects language
attitudes and realities in the country.
To put the Guatemalan sociolinguistic situation and its
manifestation in radio broadcasting in perspective, I feel
it is useful to briefly examine Peru and Bolivia, two other
Latin American countries with large Indian populations.CONCLUSIONS
At first sight, the language situation on Guatemalan radio
broadcasting would seem somewhat excusable; after all, the
Indians are on the margins of society and Spanish is the
country's official language. Yet, comparison with Peru and
Bolivia shows that those barriers can be overcome. In the end,
the low use of Indian languages on Guatemalan radio is, more than
anything, a reflection of that country's extremely polarized
society, which is divided basically by language.
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.