The following item is taken from
Relampago DX #111 (November 1999) by Takayuki Inoue Nozaki. It is placed here with permission.
Chimbote, the capital of the Province of Santa in the Department of Ancash, is the largest fishing port of Peru with a population of 274,260 according to the July of 1993 census. It is located 420 kilometers north of Lima on the Pan-American Highway, and situated at 09-28-42 L.S. and 77-18-41 L.W. at an elevation of 4 meters, facing westward the Pacific Ocean and bordering upon northward the Department of La Libertad along the Santa River. The climate of the region is warm. The annual average temperature is 28 degrees centigrade and the minimum temperature is 13 degrees centigrades.
On February 12, 1821, the Province of Santa was established when the Department of Huaylas was created by General San Mart�n under the provisional regulation of Huara, while Peru was occupied by the liberation army for the independence. Afterward, the department was renamed as the current Department of Ancash by Mariscal Agust�n Gamarra under the government ordinance dated February 18, 1839. The Province of Santa encompasses 4,004.99 square kilometers, and has 338,951 inhabitants according to the 1993 population census. It is divided into nine districts: Chimbote, C�ceres del Per�, Coishco, Macate, Moro, Nepe�a, Nuevo Chimbote, Samanco, and Santa.
It was 1835 when General Santa Cruz conceded the primer official recognition to Chimbote, it was barely a tiny fishing hamlet of less than 800 inhabitants. In 1871 arriving the agreement with Enrique Meiggs for the construction of railway to inland, Chimbote acquired the category of port, but its population still amounted to about one thousand. After the opening of the Pan-American Highway in the 1930's, Chimbote began to benefit from the traffic between the north coast cities and Lima. In 1940's Chimbote was a small fishing port town with a population of 2,400 with a developing area of 80 hectares. In 1943, the government created the "Corporaci�n Peruana del Santa" which took possession of the inland railway, commenced the construction of the "Ca��n de Pato" Hydroelectric Power Center in Huallanca. At that same time, the first companies dedicated to steel manufacturing were established and sold steel materials abroad at highest price during World War II. The growth of the urban population was due to the enormous migrant influx from the interior of Peru.
Chimbote is the largest fishing port in Peru and millions of tons of fish were landed here in the 1960's. Accordingly, many fishmeal factories (fish oil and meal), were installed in Chimbote. In the early decade of 1970's, only 5 % of the population could be truly considered by the native "chimbotanos". In 1900 the population of the port was only about 1,400, though in 1970 it reached 170,000 inhabitants. The number of migrants from other regions arrived at Chimbote between 1940 to 1961 was approximately 84,000 persons, and then migrants between 1965 and 1970 arrived at the city more than 36,000 persons. This phenomenon strictly related to the establishment of the "Corporaci�n Peruana del Santa", and the establishment of several fishmeal companies also increased the commercial and productive activity in Chimbote. Despite the 1970 earthquake which destroyed much of the city, and the "El Ni�o" phenomenon caused the coastal dishing industries, the population has still continued to grow dramatically and is currently close to 280,000. The fishmeal industry has declined in recent years, however, the several large fishmeal factories give the town a pervasive and distinctive odor.
The WRTH 1998 lists 15 stations on medium wave including OBX3L Radio Onda Nueva 990 kHz as having been inactive. According to the frequency list of the Ministry of Transports and Communications, issued in September of 1998, 14 stations on medium wave and 25 stations on FM are officially licensed and registered in Chimbote. During my stay in Chimbote, I made a band scan to check over the existence and nature of any broadcasting activity. I confirmed that two stations on medium wave and 24 stations on FM were in the operation, but there was no signal of Radio Bah�a on shortwave band. The result was quite disappointing to me, because many medium wave stations were not traced. To make sure which ones had been temporally out of service, switched over to FM, or definitively closed down, I ask this question to two employees of Radio Bah�a. They were actually uncertain on the broadcasting activity. However, in recent years, many broadcasters abandoned the medium wave transmissions, with two main reasons. The first is that Chimbote has been deplorably deteriorated by smaller fish hauls under the "El Ni�o" phenomenon, and a mountain of companies related with fishmeal industry ceased operation; the second is the satellite relay extension of the FM broadcasters with the programming sponsored by giant companies. After the appearance of the metropolitan FM broadcasters, many local listeners have learned of sophisticated music programming from Radiomar, Radio Panamericana, Radio A, and alike professionally produced newscast and informative programming from RPP (Radioprogramas del Per�), Radio CPN (Cadena Peruana de Noticias). Accordingly many local broadcasters have lost advertising income from the local sponsors due to the economical deterioration in Chimbote, and also from giant companies based in Lima. The following information is based upon the frequency list of the Ministry of Transports and Communications, issued in September of 1998, and my monitoring in Chimbote.
Medium wave stations that have been off the air in recent years
Medium wave stations with cancelled licenses
Registered medium wave stations not yet on the air
Registered FM stations not yet on the air
FM stations with cancelled licenses
After that, during my stay in Lima, I noted in the early morning on February 5, 1995, that a previously unknown outlet appeared on the measured frequency of 4780.1 kHz, carrying an early morning music program entitled "Per� Folkl�rico" until 1200, then followed by a newscast entitled "Radioperi�dico Embate" (Radio-newspaper Storm). Claiming itself with a slogan "Bah�a Radio llegando a nivel nacional e internacional", the station announced transmitting on 1140 kHz on medium wave from Chimbote. It absolutely coincide with the experimental shortwave transmission of Radio Bah�a, which Fernando Cruz Rondinel previously informed me. Reportedly, the station has not been widely heard in the world, however a couple of DX enthusiasts confirmed it on that frequency. Needless to say, I sent a reception report and also a couple of follow ups to them. But no reply was obtained. After that matter, five years elapsed. So I felt I should to get my QSL by Radio Bah�a, though no reply had come from the station. Therefore, when I made the DX journey to the northern region of Peru, from the middle of September though early October of 1998, I resolved to visit Chimbote in my planned journey.
On September 30, 1998, I arrived the fishy smelling city of Chimbote at 21:00. The journey took five hours from Chiclayo along the Pan-American Highway via Trujillo. I found a comfortable but a little expensive hotel at Jir�n Manuel Ruiz near the area where a large cluster of bus companies concentrated. It was Hostal Karol Inn and costed US$13.3 for single room. On the next day, Thursday, October 1, 1998, tracing the registered address at Avenida Alfonso Ugarte No. 309 in the center of Chimbote, I went to visit to Radio Bah�a. However, there was a restaurant at the indicated address. So I asked a passing person where the station had moved to, and I was showed that it didn't move but its entrance was changed to the just back of the restaurant. Followed its direction, I found a two-story building with an old rusted billboard indicating the station name which projected over the alley, Pasaje los Jardines No. 129.
I went up second floor following the indication and knocked door. A few minutes later, a boy came to open the door and suspiciously asked me who I was. I introduced myself, explaining the purpose in visiting the station. He was seemingly embarrassed by the unexpected visit of a Japanese, and called for his mother to come to the entrance. Soon his mother came to see me and I was allowed to enter inside. She introduced herself as Margarita Rossel Soria, the administrative director of Radio Bah�a. She recalled having received my reception report from a Japanese listener, and apologized for having not replied for my letter due to lack of time. Margarita Rossel Soria said that the building had formerly been shared with her house and the station facilities from which Radio Bah�a had broadcast programs until recent years. So to speak, there was no studio anymore in the downtown. The current station facilities were composed of a production room, a record library, and an administrative office, totally disorganized with a mountain of cartons, papers, old equipment, and several antique objects. The studio and the transmitting plant were linked by the coaxial cable utilizing the telephone utility poles. The traffic of transport trucks has tremendously increased with the industrial activity in Chimbote. Some of these trucks with a mountain freight caught and cut the cable in the downtown. This frequently interrupted the transmission. Eventually in June of 1997, the studio were moved as a provisional measure to the transmitting plant. Radio Bah�a would install an FM link system between the studio and the transmitting site. However, the station can not afford either to purchase a STL transmitting system, nor to get the license of FM link operation due to economical problem.
After showing the station facilities, I was taken to the transmitting plant, located about 2.5 kilometers south from the downtown. A tall steel antenna tower was seen in distance. The transmitting plant is surrounded by a crowd of adobe houses, despite radio broadcasting regulation specifying that it should be installed at an outlying site to avoid the electromagnetic wave which may provoke of various physical obstructs for human life. When the transmitting facilities was settled down at the site, it was completely vacant land and was formerly called "Alto Per�". The fish industry influence caused the influx of an enormous number of people coming from other provinces, especially from highlands. They came to the city searching for a better life with a job and probably opportunities for their family. Unlawfully occupying vacant land, most end up build poor huts, and several shanty towns called "pueblos jovenes" (literally young towns) were established surrounding the city. Consequently the transmitting plant lies in the center of the shanty town, which is currently named "Pueblo Joven Fraternidad" instead of the old name "Alto Per�".
Underneath the antenna tower, there was the transmitting facilities in a reinforced concrete building. Inside the building, I saw that a operator at the console, playing cumbia for a morning music program. The provisional studio was simply composed of a home-brewed console mixer (10 channel), a "National Panasonic" brand cassette deck, an "Aiwa" brand cassette deck, and a microphone. Backside of the studio, a transmitting unit for medium wave outlet and a "Lister" brand diesel generator of 15 kW were established. I learned that the transmitter for shortwave outlet was already removed to Huancavelica after the experimental broadcast in one year period.
Ing. Fernando Cruz Mendoza formed a new commercial broadcasting network in opposition to power broadcasting groups controlled 95 per cent of television stations and 50 per cent of the radio stations in the country. There were Cavero Family (Cadena Nacional Sociedad An�nima, Empresa Radiodifusora Victoria Sociedad An�nima, Radio Selecta Sociedad An�nima), Delgado Family (Radio Tele Sociedad An�nima, Panamericana Televisi�n Sociedad An�nima, CRU), Umberto Gonzales Family (Compa��a Peruana de Radiodifusi�n Sociedad An�nima, Radio Continental Sociedad An�nima, Emisoras Nacionales Sociedad An�nima), Belmont Family (Bego Televisi�n Sociedad An�nima, Radio Atalaya Sociedad An�nima, Empresa Radiodifusora Once Sesenta, Radio Excelsior Sociedad An�nima). He previously founded four radio stations in the Central and Southern Peru including Radio Villa Rica (OAX5H 1580 kHz and OAX5V 4885 kHz) in Huancavelica, Radio Andina (OAZ4B 1300 kHz and OAZ4C 4995 kHz) in Huancayo, Radio Miner�a (OAZ4D 1520 kHz and OAZ4E 6195 kHz) in La Oroya, and Radio La Voz de Huamanga (OAX5T 980 kHz and OAX5U 6070 kHz) in Ayacucho. The commercial broadcasting network was initially called "Nueva Cadena Peruana de Radiodifusi�n", and later it was renamed as "Emisoras Cruz del Per�".
The fifth station of "Emisoras Cruz del Per�" made its debut into the broadcasting stage while Chimbote was booming in the fishing industry. On September 21, 1963, Radio Bah�a was authorized by the Directorate of Posts and Telecommunications under the management of the Ministry of the Interior and Police, to operate on the frequency of 1140 kHz with 1 kW output power for an experimental transmission of one year period. On September 23, 1966, "Radio Bah�a Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada" was officially inaugurated by three stockholders: Ing. Fernando Cruz Mendoza, Margarita Rossel Soria, and Turio Carrasco. The studio and office were established at Avenida Alfonso Ugarte No. 309 in the heart of Chimbote, and the transmitting plant was installed in the sector of "Alto Per�". Afterwards on January 27, 1969, the station obtained a definitive license with the callsign OAX3R.
On January 20, 1995, Radio Bah�a started the experimental transmission on the frequency of 4780 kHz in the 60 meter band on shortwave to extend the coverage. The shortwave outlet was especially designed to get more audience living in the highland communities and villages of the Department of Ancash and other neighboring departments. The station utilized a transmitter which had been used for the medium wave outlet of Radio Andahuaylas in former times. At that time, the medium wave outlet carried its programming uninterruptedly for 24 hours a day, and the shortwave outlet was operated from the evening to the next morning scheduled at 2300-1300. However, the commercial value was not virtually acknowledged on shortwave, thus after one year of test operation, the station ceased the shortwave broadcast and its transmitter was transferred to Huancavelica for other purposes.
In 1990 under the influence of the FM broadcast with high quality audio, Radio Bah�a began broadcasting on 89.1 MHz FM monaural with an output power of 0.1 kW, simulcasting with the medium wave outlet. The FM broadcast was operated without authorization, and they would made application for license to the Ministry of Transports and Communication. However, Radio Star was authorized to transmit on 89.1 MHz with the callsign OCW3J and started to broadcast in December of 1993. Eventually, Radio Bah�a discontinued the FM transmission.
As of October of 1998, Radio Bah�a runs with a staff of six persons and broadcasts at 1000-0200 from Monday to Saturday and at 1000-2200 on Sunday, providing news bulletins (10%), sports (5%), music shows (50%), light entertainment (20%), religious (5%), and social service (10%). The station transmits on 1140 kHz medium wave with an output of 10 kW, being one of two active broadcasters on medium wave in Chimbote. The newscasts are on the air twice a day from Monday through Saturday: 1300-1500 "Radioperi�dico Embate" conducted and directed by Tobardo Arroyo Ycochea; 1700-1800 "Radioperi�dico Impacto" conducted and directed by Alfredo L�pez. The station has various music programs daily. The folklore program entitled "Por los Caminos del Inca" is broadcast at 1000-1300 from Monday through Saturday, and is hosted by Carlos Antonio Romero, giving personal messages and birthday greetings in Quechua and Spanish to the audience living in remote regions. Until some years ago, they had an average of 80 messages and greetings daily, though currently they have only from 5 to 10 daily. Local people have left using the social service "mensaje y comunicado" by radio broadcast, because nowadays the telephone makes it easy to communicate with others anytime and anywhere. As of October of 1998, it costs approximately US$.1.00 per message depending on the quantity of letters. Local commercial advertisements are also quite few with an average of five sponsors. Consequently Radio Bah�a has been financial difficulties, however thanks to financial support from the head quarter of "Emisoras Cruz del Per�", the station still exists on airwave.
Canned identifications
Transmitter site and studio: Pueblo Joven Fraternidad, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash, Per�.
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Radio in Chimbote, Peru
Por las Rutas del Per� (26) ...
CHIMBOTEMedium wave
1090.0 OAZ3I Radio Eco, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Pasaje 3 de Octubre, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1140.1 OAX3R Radio Bah�a, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Pueblo Joven Fraternidad, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n Alfonso Ugarte No. 309, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
570.0 OAX3X Radio Progreso, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Panamericana Norte km. 415, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n Moquegua No. 841, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
950.0 OBX3S Radial Andina, Chimbote; 1 kW (RPP repeater)
Transmitter site: Cruce Panamericana Norte y Portuaria, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Francisco Pizarro, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
990.0 OBX3L Radio Onda Nueva, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Arenera y Jir�n Miraflores, Villa Mar�a, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n Jos� Galvez No. 337 piso 3 oficina 4, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1170.0 OAZ3K Radio Nor Peruana, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Pueblo Joven Fraternidad, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Jos� Pardo No. 120, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1220.0 OAZ3J Radiodifusora S�nchez, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Sector Pampa de Chimbote, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Manzana U, Lote 27, Pasaje 3 de Octubre, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1280.0 OBX3C Radio El Puerto, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Urbanizaci�n Los Almos Pepao, Km. 40 Panamericana Norte, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Leoncio Prado No. 660, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1320.0 OAX3U Radio Miramar, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Zona Marginal de Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida San Pedro No. 246, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1370.0 OAX3H Radio Interamericana, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Pasaje 3 de Octubre, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n Alfonso Ugarte No. 445, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1430.0 OAZ3H Radio Chav�n, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Pepao, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Urbanizaci�n San Juan Zona 5, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1460.0 OBX3A Radio Chim�, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Prolongaci�n Javier Pardo (2da etapa), Villa Mar�a, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Prolongaci�n Javier Pardo (2da etapa), Villa Mar�a, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
690.0 OBX3F Radio Chimbote, Chimbote; 2 kW
Transmitter site: La Caleta Prolongaci�n Bolognesi, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n El�as Aguirre No. 346, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
750.0 OAX3T Radio El Mundo, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Panamericana Norte km 414, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Prolongaci�n Parco s/n, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1060.0 OAZ3N Radio Sudamericana, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Zona Nuevo Chimbote, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Manzana E-2 Lote 19, Urbanizaci�n Los Heroes, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1020.0 OBX3U Radio Nacional del Per�, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Manzana 8 Lote Ind. Primero de Mayo, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Manzana 8 Lote Ind. Primero de Mayo, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
1530.0 OBX3H Radio CPN, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Calle Aviaci�n No. 298, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Calle Aviaci�n No. 298, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.FM
89.1 OCW3J Radio Star FM, Chimbote; 0.3 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Los Heroes L-19, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Chimbote.
Studio: Avenida Los Heroes L-19, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Chimbote.
89.9 OCW3M Radio El Puerto FM, Chimbote; 0.5 kW
Transmitter site: Urbanizaci�n Los Almos Pepao, Km. 40 Panamericana Norte, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Urbanizaci�n Los Almos Pepao, Km. 40 Panamericana Norte, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
90.9 OCT3X Radio A "La Excelente", Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Leoncio Prado s/n, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Leoncio Prado s/n, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
91.5 OCW3H Radio Inca FM, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Urbanizaci�n Los Pinos, Lote primera etapa, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
93.1 OCZ3I Radiodifusora El Sur, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Jos� Galvez No. 750, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Jos� Galvez No. 750, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
94.1 OCT3B Radio y Televisi�n Chimbote, Chimbote; 0.25 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Huandoy No. 496, Urbanizaci�n Buenos Aires, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Huandoy No. 496, Urbanizaci�n Buenos Aires, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
95.5 OCT3I Radioprogramas del Per�, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Francisco Pizarro, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
96.3 OCZ3S Radiodifusora Comercial Sonora La Mar FM, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Jir�n Carlos de los Heroes No. 504, Altos, Chimbote, Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n Carlos de los Heroes No. 504, Altos, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
96.9 OBW3F Radio Hit FM, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Cerro Pao, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
97.5 OCW3W Radio Onda Nueva FM, Chimbote; 0.5 kW
Transmitter site: Jir�n Jos� Galvez No. 337 piso 3 oficina 4, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n Jos� Galvez No. 337 piso 3 oficina 4, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
98.1 OCZ3B Radio Progreso FM, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Jir�n Moquegua No. 475, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n Moquegua No. 475, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
98.9 OCW3A Radio Universal FM, Chimbote; 5 kW
Transmitter site: Jir�n Jos� Olaya No. 29, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n Jos� Olaya No. 29, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
99.5 OCW3L Radio Estudio Miedo FM Stereo, Chimbote; 1.25 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Jos� Galvez No. 795 piso 2, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Jos� Galvez No. 795 piso 2, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
100.1 OCZ3L Sonido Stereo, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Enrique Meiggs, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Enrique Meiggs, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
101.1 OCZ3F Radio Panamericana FM, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Leoncio Prado No. 431, oficina No.308, Galer�a Rodr�guez, Plaza de Armas, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Leoncio Prado No. 434, oficina No.308, Galer�a Rodr�guez, Plaza de Armas, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
102.1 OCW3Z Radio Stereo L�ser FM, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Jir�n El�as Aguirre No. 1094 Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n El�as Aguirre No. 1094 Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
102.7 OCZ3G Studio 54 FM, Chimbote; 0.25 kW
Transmitter site: Jir�n Manuel Ruiz No. 1281 Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Jir�n Manuel Ruiz No. 1281 Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
103.5 OCZ3X Radio CPN, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Calle Aviaci�n No. 298, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
104.3 OCZ3Y Radio Nor Peruana, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Jos� Pardo No. 120, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Jos� Pardo No. 120, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
105.1 OCW3C Radio Nacional del Per�, Chimbote; 0.5 kW
Transmitter site: Manzana B Lote Ind. Primero de Mayo, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Manzana B Lote Ind. Primero de Mayo, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
105.9 OCZ3V Radio Estudio 6.6 FM, Chimbote; 0.25 kW
Transmitter site: Urbanizaci�n Laderas del Norte, Manzana W, Lote 7, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Urbanizaci�n Laderas del Norte, Manzana W, Lote 7, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
106.7 OCZ3U Radio Miramar FM, Chimbote; 0.25 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida San Pedro No. 246, Urbanizaci�n Miramar, Bajo Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida San Pedro No. 246, Urbanizaci�n Miramar, Bajo Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
107.3 CW3F Radiomar FM, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida V�ctor R. Haya de la Torre No. 112-116, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
107.9 OBW3I Radio Maranatha, Chimbote; 0.25 kW
Transmitter site: Prolongaci�n Espinar No. 1165, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Prolongaci�n Espinar No. 1165, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
94.9 OCT3W Radio Am�rica, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Cerro Coishco, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
90.7 OCW3B Radio Horizonte, Chimbote; 0.25 kW
Transmitter site: Avenida Arica, Manzana A, Lote 25, La Victoria, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Avenida Arica, Manzana A, Lote 25, La Victoria, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
94.1 OCT3W Radiodifusora S�nchez, Chimbote; 1 kW
Transmitter site: Manzana U, Lote 27, Pasaje 3 de Octubre, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.
Studio: Manzana U, Lote 27, Pasaje 3 de Octubre, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash.RADIO BAH�A
While being in Ayacucho on the way of the DX journey in January of 1995, I took advantage of the chance to encounter an old pen friend who had formerly worked at Radio La Voz de Nazca, one of the stations belong to the commercial broadcasting enterprise "Emisoras Cruz del Per�". His name is Fernando Cruz Rondinel, who is the oldest son of Ing. Fernando Cruz Mendoza, the founder of the privately owned broadcasting network "Emisoras Cruz del Per�". After having worked at Radio La Voz de Nazca, he moved to Ayacucho and took the position of the general manager of Radio La Voz de Huamanga. He was happy to know that I had already visited three stations of the "Emisoras Cruz del Per�" before arriving in Ayacucho: Radio Villa Rica in Huancavelica, Radio Andina in Huancayo, Radio La Voz de Nazca in Nazca. He asked me when I would visit the others, so I replied that I would make visit to Radio Andahuaylas on the route for Cusco, but I had no plan to visit Radio Luren in Ica and Radio Bah�a in Chimbote, because these stations were out of my planning route, and had never broadcast on shortwave until that time. However, he recommend me if I would not visit the others, try to tune the signal of Radio Bah�a on shortwave band. I felt he was misunderstanding shortwave for medium wave, so I asked him which frequency was. He clearly informed me that Radio Bah�a started its experimental shortwave transmission on 4780 kHz in the 60 meter band with an output power of 2 kW.
(Check my Peru Radio Graphics website for some great photos of Radio Bahia.)
Technical Information
OAX3R 1140 kHz: is equipped with a transmitter of 10 kW output power, designed and built by "Ing. Fernando Cruz Mendoza" and a 1/4 wave vertical antenna (68 meters high above the ground).
4780 kHz: was equipped with a transmitter of 2 kW output power, designed and built by "Fernando Cruz Mendoza" and a 1/2 wave dipole antenna (15 meters high above the ground). The nominal frequency was 4780 kHz, but it was actually measured on 4780.1 kHz.
Office: Pasaje los Jardines No. 129, Chimbote, Provincia de Santa, Departamento de Ancash, Per�.
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.