532 TURKS & CAICOS R Vision Cristiana 7 0100 Sp rel, "Lo
Voz de Dios para las Americas." Very strong.
540 VEN R Perija, Villa del Rosario 29 1931-1934 Trop mx,
several IDs. Fair no QRM. Dominant station all times of day.
COL R Autentica, Bogota 14 1059 ID mixing w/ Perija.
550 VEN R Mundial, Caracas 31 0136-0145 Exc w/ trop mx, ID
lottery numbers. Dominant at all times.
COL R Nacional, Medellin 12 0157-0201 Good w/ instr mx, // 570,
560 COL R Nacional, Tunja 31 0145-0209 Fair o/u QRM,
COL La Voz de la Pampa, Maicao 31 0202-0208 Fair w/ coverage of
Feria de Cali, mixing w/ Nacional. Presumed as only other HJ
VEN R Exitos, Rubio 1 1920-1950 Good w/ IDs "5-60 en el aire" and
"Exitos 5-60". LONG string of New Year's best wishes anmts
sponsored by various businesses, mayors of San Cristobal & Junin,
& particular families. Included Panaderia Victoria & Electro Auto
Hernandez. Greetings to listeners in Cucuta, Colombia "donde
nuestra sintonia es bastante aceptable." 11 0056 w/ slogan "la
estacion bi-national."
570 COL R Nacional, Bogota 31 0145-0209 Exc w/ pgm on
history of Colombian salsa mx. //560. ID at 0209.
CUBA R Reloj, 0933 characteristic ID w/ morse amid QRM.
580 COL R Nacional, Cali 7 2333 very poor // 570, 580.
PUERTO RICO WKAQ, San Juan 7 2335-2356 Dominant w/ IDs as WKAQ-
Radio Reloj" "WKAQ - El Poder Informativo" and "WK - tu radio".
Nx w/ public service anmts advising people to consume more
vegetables and to not go to medical laboratories that are not
properly authorized.
VEN LV la Fe, Maracaibo 1 1952-2017 Exc w/ trop mx, ID "Desde
Maracaibo, para Venezuela y la America, las ondas computizadas de
su nueva Voz de la Fe." Slogan - "Para proyectarnos en grande
hacia el futuro de Venezuela. Promo for "Arperia Nacional" pgm,
Monday-Friday at 8-9 a.m.. Phones 91-16-83, 91-17-92, 91-17-95. Henrik
Klemetz notes the program name is probably "Arpegio Nacional"
590 COL CARACOL Antioquia, Medellin 31 0145-0150 Fair amid
QRM w/ local anmts, ID, aguardiente ad.
VEN R Reloj Continente, Caracas 13 1010 Fair w/ nx, ads. 595
DOMINICA DBS, Rosseau 7 2203 Fair w/ DBS ID, local nx.
600 COL R Libertad, Barranquilla 13 2232 Good w/ ID, local
CUBA R Rebelde, 7 2357 Good w/ "Rebelde, La Habana" ID, Eng pop
VEN R Alto Llano, Santa Barbara de Barinas 29 1938-1943 Fair, no
QRM. Short speech about stn's wishes for listeners to have a good
1995. "Diez anos de exitos en Radio Alto Llano." "Todo el llano
venezolano." Trop mx.
610 COL RCN 6-10 Bolero, Bogota 7 2257-2312 Good w/
romantic mx, IDs, "Feliz Ano Nuevo con el amor de 6-10 Bolero,
RCN." Little song about RCN's best wishes for listeners' during
1995. Promo for auto racing coverage on RCN & Antena Dos.
Dominant station on frequency.
CUBA R Reloj, 7 2257 Distinctive morse "R" under RCN. 620 COL
Colmundo R, Cali 31 0210 Good w/ ad for a brand of chicken,
temperture, ID, mentions of Cali.
NICARAGUA R Nicaragua, Managua 12 0202-0207 Fair w/ QRM. In midst
of "La Nueva Vida" religious pgm, but two clear IDs, so pgm is
not canned, or at least is prepared especially for Radio
VEN R Libertad, Cabimas 1 2020-2026 trop mx, IDs. Heard several
times, and all the ancrs seemed to slur the ID a lot. The first
time I heard it, I thought the ID was "Radio Universal."
630 COL R Manizales 13 0730 trop mx & anmt "TODELAR es la
radio de la familia Colombiana."
640 COL RCN, Santa Marta 31 0229 RCN ID, Feria de Cali
info. Fair.
VEN R Carora 1 2026 Good w/ trop mx, "Radio Carora, primer lugar
en sintonia."
650 COL Antena Dos, Bogota 13 0858 Exc w/ trop mx, ID.
Dominant at all times. Couldn't get a trace of anything else.
COL Colmundo R, Cucuta 1 2030-2055 Good w/ non-stop trop mx,
finally ID & TC at 2054. Usually dominant.
670 COL RCN, Medellin 29 0344 Fair w/ HJ ads, over Rumbos.
Consistently stronger than Rumbos.
680 PUERTO RICO WAPA Guapa Radio, San Juan 13 0930 Puerto Rican nx w/
mentions of Bayamon, Ponce de Leon. IDs as "Guapa la Radio."
USA WPTF, Raleigh NC 14 0758 ID in mess, into net nx. Presumably the same stn
hrd here with weak Eng several times in early morning hours.
UNID 13 1020 Exc w/ classical mx. Not // 570,580, so if Radio Nacional de
Colombia, then a different program. Not sure who else would be putting in such
a powerhouse signal, though. Also odd not heard later in morning.
690 COL R Deportes, Bogota 13 0712-0719 promo for coverage of futbol,
ID. Interesting tropical version of the old Rascals' song "Good Lovin'." Exc &
dominant at all times. Got traces of other stns, but nothing good enough to
700 COL CARACOL, Cali 3 0708 // 810 kHz, fair w/ some QRM.
VEN R Popular, Maracaibo 1 2043 trop mx, ferreterria ad, "Radio Popular, la
senal (infatible?)."
705 ST VINCENT NBC 705 Radio 7 2232 Presumed w/ weak OM talk in
Caribbean English.
710 COL R Super, Medellin 9 0215 Fair w/ Radio Super de Colombia
ID, talk.
VEN R Capital, Caracas 29 1925 Poor in null of spur of
local 1040 w/ anmts & TC.
720 COL Transmisora Quindio, Armenia 29 0327-0332 Good, taking
its turn on top, w/ Xmas wishes to listeners & clients, several
IDs, children talking.
JAMAICA RJR, Kingston 29 0317-0321 Good in Eng w/ time check,
into obituaries, but quickly faded away at 0321.
VEN R Oriente, Porlamar 29 0325-0328 suddenly faded up out of
mess w/ trop mx, several anmts "Feliz Navidad desde Margarita,"
"Radio Oriente, la senal de Venezuela," and ""Esta es la musica
con el sabor del pueblo." 7 2204 w/ ID "Desde la isla de
Margarita para el mundo, Radio Oriente, la senal de Venezuela.
Esta es la hora de Venezuela...". Promo for morning show of YV
folk mx - "Playas, llanos, montanas, entre pueblos y ciudades, y
sobre todo, la musica de nuestras mas valiosas artistas. Sesenta
minutos dedicados con gran placer a nuestros viajeros por la ruta
720 de Radio Oriente."
730 COL R Melodia, Bogota 3 0654 Good w/ trop mx, "Todos los exitos en
Melodia" ID. 7 2207 Fair w/ ID "Melodia, la grande." Generally the dominant
VEN R Frontera, San Antonio 29 1920 weak w/ trop mx, ads for
Expresos Tachira busline, Liquoreria Europa.
740 VEN R Caroni, Puerto Ordaz 3 0655 weak w/ ID in null of Maracaibo &
TC five minutes fast.
VEN R Maracaibo 29 1915 Fair w/ romantic mx, "Radio Maracaibo con las
??" 3 0653 w/ religious program w/ rel pop mx. ID at 0704 then
back to relig pgm.
750 COL CARACOL Medellin 13 0850 CARACOL talk show // 810. Dominant at
all times. Never a trace of anything else.
PUERTO RICO WORA, Mayaguez 3 0633 Fair w/ long ad string w/
several mentions of Puerto Rico & Mayaguez.
VEN R Popular, Trujillo 7 2318 Exc w/ trop mx, ID. WRTH 94 lists
"Mundial Primera" & WRTH '95 lists "La Primera 7-60", but neither
ID heard. No Mundial pgm or IDs noted at all.
780 VEN R Coro 3 0620-0630 Dominant & good w/ interesting medley mixing
Eng songs from Hair with Spanish ones from Godspell. ID "Radio Coro, 57 anos
en primer lugar," into trop mx w/anmts "La madrugada es de Radio Coro, siempre
arriba." 14 0735 Good w/ trop mx, anmt "Senor conductor, esta es Radio Coro,
su mejor compania."
VEN Ecos del Torbes, San Cristobal 29 1910 Good w/ ID, Loteria de
Tachira anmt, trop mx. "Su emisora predilecta" slogan. Noticiero
presented by Banco de Venezuela. 11 1140 w/ nx & ID.
790 COL La Voz de Colombia, Medellin 29 0309 pull in null
of Radio Minuto w/ romatnic pop vocals, "La Voz de Colombia ...
La emisora de los grandes exitos." 3 0603 Dominant & strong. "La
Voz de Colombia, primera en su corazon" and "La Voz de Colombia,
mas romantica."
PANAMA Southern Command Network, Fort Clayton 3 0603-0614 English, poor,
mixing w/ the HJ w/ various sports feeds from domestic nets (got the bowl
scores!) & AFRTS ID.
VEN R Minuto, Barquisimeto 29 0305 Good w/ trop mx, ID "Las noches son mas
alegres con Radio Minuto, La Barquisimetana." Could not get this one again
despite several tries, even in Valera which wasn't that far away. Curious.
800 BONAIRE Trans World Radio 13 0914 w/ ID "La emisora del mensaje
diferente." Exc signal in evening, but not 24H as in WRTH 94 - on 3 at 0600
there wasn't even an open carrier on the frequency.
810 COL CARACOL, Bogota 3 0600 ID. Dominant all the time - not a
sign of anything else on this frequency!
VEN R Guadalupana, Coro 1 2101 Poor w/ YL nx, OM ID.
830 COL R Deportes, Medellin 13 1057 Presumed w/ several anmts
mentioning Colombia. Heavy QRM.
ST KITTS R Paradise 7 2236 Eng w/ rel pgm. Presumed. Heavy QRM.
VEN R Sensacion, Caracas 13 1057 Ad string, "Sensacion Ocho Trienta" ID.,
Loteria de Caracas.
840 COL HJ Doble K, Neiva 3 0547-0615 Strong w/ ranchera ballads,
ID as HJ Doble K.
850 COL R Recuerdos, Bogota 1 0550-0617 romantic mx, short stn
ranchera mx jingle, ID "Radio Recuerdos, 8-50 AM, mas compania."
860 VEN R Mundial, San Cristobal 29 1847 "Radio Mundial, primer
lugar" and "La emisora de la buena suerte." 8 0203 announcing 24H, which
seemed to be the case from my tuning.Henrik Klemetz notes that the
reason they use the slogan "The station of good luck" is because they are
located in the Loteria de Tachira building.
860.2 COL LV de Canaguate, Valledupar 14 1100 ID "La Voz de
Canaguate va con usted. Gracias por escucharnos. Somos potencia
fronteriza." Into Noticiero Testimonio 24 program. Fair w/ some Mundial
870 COL LV Tolima, Ibague 8 0159 "Esta es La Voz del Tolima, una
emisora con potencia para una audiencia ??," into folk mx.
COL R Mar Caribe, Barranquilla 12 1245 Presumed w/ Barranquilla ads.
880 COL CARACOL, Bucaramanga 8 0157 net ID, live pgm from Feria de
Manizales. Fair, some Paraguana QRM.
VEN R Paraguana, Punta Cardon 29 1838 Sp pops "Paraguana 90" and
"Paraguana 8-80, la emisora de '95." 3 0545 strong w/ trop mx. No call
letters hrd on this. See that the '95 WRTH still doesn't have them,
885 MONTSERRAT R Mont 7 2208-2221 Eng w/ international nx, promo
for "The Golden Years" program on Sundays, "The only radio station to
listen to when you're cruising the Caribbean."
890 COL R Galeon, Sta Marta 3 0542 trop mx, TC w/ TODELAR chimes.
"Viva bien informado, sintonize a Radio Galeon, la actualidad ? de Santa
Marta." Very strong.
COL R Continetnal, Bogota 29 0248 TODELAR ID, // Cali on 900.2. Good.
895 ST KITTS Voice of Nevis 7 2222-2236 Eng w/ Carib pops, local
wx, "895 Radio" Id. Fair.
900 VEN R Mara Ritmo, Maracaibo 29 1833 Dominant w/ trop mx, IDs.
8 0125-0150 w/ pgm of birthday greetings to listeners, several differnt
birthday songs. Good. Hrd several other times as well. Always IDs simply
as Mara Ritmo, without the frequency as it is listed in the WRTH '95.
900.2 COL La Voz de Cali, Cali 29 0236-0248 Live pgm from Feria de
Cali, Banco de Colombia ad, La Voz de Cali ID. Interview w/ member of
Yerbabuena band.
910 SAN ANDRES? RCN 29 0228 Fair w/ promo for pgming from upcoming
Feria de Manizales, RCN Id. Hard to believe at 1 kW. Might there be
another HJ RCN here?
VEN RQ-910, Caracas 29 0230 folk mx, "RQ-910 con la musica de Venezuela"
mixing w/ RCN stn.
920 COL Columndo R, Ibague 13 1048 Fair in mess w/ anmts about
Feria de Manizales, Colmundo Ibague ID.
930 COL LV Bogota 8 0150 Fair w/ romantic pops, ID in Montserrat
MONTSERRAT Radio Antilles 29 0217 Fair w/ VOA Eng pgm. Not // 5995, so
presume tape delayed. Also, subject was the Miami summit, so a bit dated.
VEN R Maracay 13 1044 Poor w/ Maracay area nx in Bogota null.
VEN R Punto Fijo 12 1238 romantic mx, "Radio Punto Fijo informando todo
el tiempo."
950 COL CARACOL Pereira 13 0955 poor w/ CARACOL nx // 810.
VEN R Informativa, Caracas 13 1002 string of stn promos, "Radio
Informativa, siempre en la onda con noticias" and "La nueva 950 AM, Radio
Informativa" and "La emisora estelar de noticias de Radio Informativa",
then into nx.
VEN R Mundial, Acarigua 13 1035 pops & ID, mixing w/ CARACOL & San Seb.
VEN R San Sebastian, San Cristobal 29 1817-1826 trop mx, "Noticiero San
Sebastian, primer lugar" and "Somos los ojos, la voz, y el sonido de la
vuelta." The vuelta is a big international bicycle race held in Tachira
state in mid-January just before the Feria de San Sebastian. 13 1035 w/
Pgm "Mexico, Colombia, y Venezuela" of ranchera mx.
970 COL RCN Guajira, Maicao 5 0255 local ID w/ call then nx. Poor
in mess.
VEN R Continente 970, Maracay 14 0743 w/ list of stns incl this one then
into trop mx. Heavy QRM.
980 COL Antena Dos, Cali 13 1030 Exc w/ RCN IDs, nx, // 990. 980.9
COL R Punto, Cucuta 29 1807 Good w/ Sp pops, "Radio Punto, como siempre"
ID. 12 1230 Good w/ instr mx, ID as "Radio Punto Internacional".
990 COL RCN, Medellin 5 0248 Fair w/ ID, interview.
VEN R Mundial Tricolor, Barquisimeto 31 2101 String of New Year's wishes
from various companies. Pop mx. "En los ultimos momentos del '94, sigue
escuchando la mejor programmacion de fin del ano por Mundial Tricolor."
This article is copyright 1995 by Don Moore.
It may not be
printed in any publication without written permission. Permission is
granted for all interested readers to share and pass on the ASCII
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such case, your comments on the article would be appreciated.
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Venezulean MW Log
Logs 530 - 990 kHz
By Don Moore
VEN R Rumbos, Villa de Cura 31 0150 poor under the HJ w/ ID,
chimes, & Noti-Rumbos newscast.
660 COL R Autentica, Cali 13 0859 Fair w/ ID as "Cadena
Autentica de Colombia."
VEN R Rumbos, Caracas 29 0344 Noti-Rumbos, under RCN.
760 COL RCN, Barranquilla 29 0312 Fair w/ splatter from RCN on 770. Anmts
mentioning Barranquilla, then into talk on Feria de Cali. Not // 770. 3 0632
w/ nx // 770.
770 COL RCN Bogota 3 0618 Exc w/ ID, nx. Always dominant. Never a trace
of anything else.
VEN R Fe y Alegria, Guasdalito 29 1901 Fair, no sign of TWR during the day.
Trop mx, long string of Xmas/New Years wishes messages from various
advertisers & families.
820 COL CARACOL, Cali 29 0253 Several stns mixing. Pgm about Feria
de Cali, ad for "El Deporte Grafico" sports newspaper. ID as "Aqui
CARACOL Cali" at hour.
VEN R Fe y Alegria, Maracaibo 1 2056-2115 trop mx, "Sintonizas 8-50 AM,
Fe y Alegria en el corazon del dial" and "Bienvenidos 1995, lo nuevo es
por 8-50, Fe y Alegria" and "Somos una gran familiar, la familia Fe y
VEN R San Carlos 1 2118-2145 Mix of EE/SP pops, including interesting
version of "Rock Around the Clock" sung by a YL in heavily accented Eng.
Rather 'hip' ancr. "Radio San Carlos, su mejor compania" and "Esto no es
una tormenta. Esto es otra cosa." Contest to guess how old the station
is. Ad for Panaderia Los Colorados. Fun to listen to.
940 COL RCN Cucuta 29 0154 "RCN, revolucion de la radio" ID, promo
for 24H nx coverage. 29 1828 Dominant w/ "Primero en todo, RCN" ID, nx.
960 COL CARACOL, Magangue 29 1917 CARACOL nx, fair, mixing w/ San
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