1000 COL RCN, Cartagena 29 0143 ID, net pgm promos, mentions
Cartagena, Banco Cafetero ad. Strong & dominant. 3 0532 RCN nx.
VEN R Mundial Mil, Moron 29 0148 Fair in RCN null w/ romantic mx, "Radio
Mil, la emisora del Caribe."
VIRGIN ISLANDS WVWI, St. Thomas 7 2151-2203 Eng. Fair and steady w/ CBS
coverage of 49ers vs Bears playoff game. Ad break at 2158, ID "WVWI, St.
Thomas. The ?? Corporation, proud of its part in helping to insure the
Virgin Islands' way of life, is located on the second floor of Palm
Passage. Phone 774-3503."
1010 COL CARACOL, Neiva 5 0307 briefly mixing in w/ ID, nx.
COL R Reloj, Barranquilla 5 0302 ID, ad string. Fair.
1020 COL RCN, Pereira 5 0215-0248 RCN ID, promo for coverage of
upcoming Feria de Manizales & events in Pereira. Ad for shoe store in
Pereira. RCN IDs as "RCN, no hay nada comparable" and "RCN, radio por
satelite." Dominant in a mess of at least 4 stations.
COL R Primavera, Bucaramanga 11 0920 Romantic mx, ID in mess. Very poor.
COL R Super de Ibague 5 0245 poor w/ "Hora Super" anmts, mentions of
Ibague. Note this a change from old Ecos del Combeima now on 1110 kHz.
VEN Alegria 1020, Chivacoa 5 0220-0248 trop mx, ID as "Alegria Mil-
Viente" and "Todos nos quieren imitar, pero ninguna llega a donde
nosotros llega, al corazon de Yaracuy." Phone number begins w/ 84. O/u
mess. 11 *0928 w/ looong anthem, then s/on ID.
1030 COL Antena Dos, Cali 11 0925 trop mx, ID "Todos los deportes,
todos los ritmos, todos los exitos en la musica de Antena Dos." Mixing w/
R Onda.
VEN Radio Onda, Guanare 11 0922-0939 ID "Amigo agricultor, ya acompana
Onda 1030 con el sentir ?", folk mx, Commercial El Calman ad. Fair.
1040 COL R Tropical, Barranquilla 12 0148 sports pgm w/ several
IDs. Surprisingly over R Los Andes while DXing in El Vigia.
VEN R Los Andes, Merida 6 1051 w/ Mundial net nx // 6010.5 SW (usually
covered by R Mil, Mexico in USA). Obviously super strong in Merida, but
the cleanest signal of the locals. Is on 24H.
1050 COL LV Cinaruco, Arauca 7 1120 Stn & CARACOL IDs,
communicados // 4865 SW. Poor in mess. 11 2217 Good w/ folk mx, // 4865.
1060 COL RCN, Manizales 6 1056 RCN ID, nx. Fair in mess. Only
listed RCN on this FQ.
COL R Delfin, Riohacha 7 1126 Presumed w/ ad for store in Riohacha. Heavy
VEN Radio San Cristobal 11 0002 Exc in San Cris w/ ID, ads. Also dominant
stn elsewhere.
1070 COL R Santa Fe, Bogota 29 0350 On top w/ trop mx, ID.
VEN Mundial Zulia, Maracaibo 11 2106 ID "Mundial Zulia, primer lugar en
1080 COL R Macarena, Villavicencio 12 1222 Good w/ ads mentioning
Villavicencio. SW 5975 also hrd, but not at this time.
COL R Reloj, Medellin 12 0946 ID, TC, Sp pops. Fair in mess.
1080.2 COL Radio Eco, Cali 14 1050-1057 w/ romantic mx, medicina
naturalista ads (lots of these on the HJ SWers in mornings), & "Somos
1090 COL CARACOL, Cucuta 29 0358 IDs, promos for nx coverage, ad
for "Shell-Lubricantes" (a big advertiser on CARACOL, at least for the
moment). Fair. Usual dominant stn on this FQ.
VEN Radio Melodica 1090, Machiques 11 0950 folk mx, Loteria de Zulia &
Caracas numbers, "Todos estamos de fiesta con Venezuela en Melodica
VEN Union Radio, Caracas 29 0400 Fair mixing w/ CARACOL w/ "Union Radio
1090 Caracas" ID.
1100 COL CARACOL, Barranquilla 11 0132 poor under Occidente w/ ID,
VEN R Occidente, Tovar 11 0132 local ads, ID "Radio Occidente accompana
el pueblo ? YVOP 1100, YVOS 9750, YV?? 3225. Desde Tovar, Merida,
Venezuela." Into Instante Deportivo sports pgm. 13 1815 w/ trop mx, "En
contacto con Radio Occidente, su mejor alternativa."
1110 COL Ecos del Combeima, Ibague 1 0018-0034 w/ phone-ins,
mentions of Tolima, trop mx. Clear ID w/ FQ of 1110. Ex 1020 kHz.
COL RCN, Villavicencio 11 0131 RCN ID, nx. Fair w/ QRM.
1120 COL R Deportes, Bucaramanga 30 1109-1127 Good w/ CARACOL nx,
call-ins, Cafe Sello Rojo ad, local anmts, then back to CARACOL. 14 0746
Good w/ CARACOL pgm // 810. Either this or Tunja, the other listed
CARACOL outlet on 1120. Never hrd anything but CARACOL pgming on this FQ.
1129.5 VEN R Popular, Barquisimeto 7 0114-0122 w/ ranchera, "Radio
Popular con los ganadores." 7 0901 w/ end of rel pgm, ID. 14 0750 w/
ranchera, "Radio Popular, la radio de los conductores felices." Strong.
1130 COL R K, Bogota 12 1214 Nx, ID.
1139.5 COL R Paisa, Medellin 7 0111-0119 Poor w/ trop mx, New
Years wishes. 7 0853-0900 w/ ranchera mx, saludos to taxi and bus drivers
listening. IDs as "Radio Paisa, RCN" and "Esta escuchando la Paisa."
Played RCN Happy New Year song. Loteria de Medellin numbers. "Un feliz y
prospero 1995, lleno de comprehension y tolerencia. Es el mejor deseo de
la Radio Paisa para los oyentes y los anunciadores." 14 0753 trop mx, ID.
Always strong, nothing else could get through on 1140 w/ the het.
1150 COL CARACOL, Armenia 14 0659 CARACOL ID in mess. Presumed - Radio
Vencedores also listed as CARACOL, but not 24H.
COL R Catatumbo, Ocana 14 1033-1040 Ranchera mx. Lots of comunicados -
listeners greeting girlfriends, giving birthday greetings, etc. "La primera
VEN Mundial Caribe, Punto Fijo 14 0653 Ads, "Mundial Caribe, primer lugar en
1160 COL R San Jose, Cucuta 1 0544 Exc w/ trop mx, IDs, New Years
wishes. 7 0056 ID.
VEN R Universidad, Merida 6 1053 Exc w/ weather rpt for Merida.
1170 COL CARACOL, Cartagena 1 0600 Good w/ Sp/Eng ID for 810 kHz FQ w/
250 kW (announced), trop mx. // 5075 SW. 7 0904 Poor w/ ID, talk pgm.
1180 COL CARACOL, Manizales 1 0609 Trop mx // 1170, 5075. Fair. 14 0755
//810 under RCN.
COL RCN, Ibague 14 0755 w/ talk on campesino movement in Tolima.
1190 COL Ondas del Valle, Cartago 1 0034-0103 weak, mixing w/
Cordillera. New Years wishes, message from the Policia Nacional, Cartago city
nx, trop mx.
COL R Cordillera, Bogota 1 0034-0103 New Years anmts, IDs "Radio Cordillera,
la mas tradicional de los colombianos en el fin del ano" and "El fin del ano
es mas alegre, mas festivo, con Radio Cordillera." 7 0915 romantic
mx, ID.
VEN Radio Cultural del Tachira 11 0106 romantic mx, ID.
1200 COL Antena Dos, Sogamoso 30 1128 Good w/ local ID giving HJLR
call, then promo for coverage of local sports on Antena Dos Sogamoso. 1 0105
Fair w/ army recruiter ad, net ID, trop mx.
COL R 1200 La Voz de la Raza, Medellin, 12 1200 ID under Escalante. Romx.
VEN Ondas del Escalante, Santa Barbara de Zulia 12 1155-1204 w/ long ad
string, many mentions of Santa Barbara. ID as "Escalante 1200 Radio." Ad for
Banco Occidental & houses in Urbanizacion La Belleza. Into nx.
1210 COL Antena Dos, Cucuta 30 1127 Good w/ ID. 1 0112 w/ trop mx,
"Antena Dos, musica alegre." 7 0924 Fair w/ trop mx "Antena Dos, escuchela por
deportes." 11 0129 w/ local ID.
1220 COL RCN, San Gil 30 1010 Ads, RCN IDs, nx. 1 0123-0127 Poor & //
1220.6 below. Site presumed on these first two logs. 11 2127 w/ romantic mx &
local ID "En RCN San Gil - musica para vivir."
VEN Mundial Valencia 14 1025 Folk mx, "Mundial Valencia, primer lugar en
sintonia." Fair in mess w/ HJs.
1230 COL Colmundo Radio, Bucaramanga 30 1056 ID & Xmas wishes in multi-
stn mess. 1 0150 trop mx, ID.
COL R Colina, Giradot 1 0142 poor in mess, but 2 IDs heard.
COL R Tribuna, Maicao 1 0142 Presumed w/ 2 RCN IDs in mess. This only RCN stn
on 1230.
VEN R Barlovento, Caucagua 1 0130 Briefly on top of multi-stn mess. Trop mx.
"Mas musica en Radio Barlovento." New Years wishes.
VEN R Valera 30 1047 ID under HJ QRM. 7 2213 "Disfrute su fin de semana con
alegria en sintonia de Radio Valera, su grata compania."
1240 COL CARACOL station 1 0612 CARACOL ID, mention of CARACOL Miami.
Greetings to listeners in exterior. 14 1019 // 810 kHz. Only CARACOL on this
frequency in WRTH is Radio Buenaventura. However, according to a SW QSL from
nearby co-owned La Voz del Cinaruco, Radio Caribabare is also CARACOL. The
latter is much closer and more likely, I think.
COL RCN, Armenia 1 0614 Fair in null of above w/ ID, trop mx. 14 1019 w/ RCN
Agrarian pgm, anmt about 15 years of pgm.
1250 COL R Capital, Bogota 1 0619 Trop mx, "Radio Capital, La emisora
del pueblo."
COL R Reloj, Cucuta 1 0617 Romantic mx, ID & TC. 14 1018 ID.
1259.7 COL RCN Cesar, Valledupar. 7 0924-0946 Nx, RCN IDs. Poor w/ long
fades. 14 1010 RCN nx & ID. This only listed RCN on 1260.
1260 COL CARACOL, Ibague 1 0205 Fair w/ CARACOL IDs, phone-ins w/
mentions o Ibague. Trop mx.
1260.4 COL Unid 1 0158-0210 Very poor w/ only intermittent audio. Pops,
mentions of Colombia. 7 0927-0946 w/ talk on Feria de Manizales, then lost.
1270 ARUBA R 12-70, St. Nicolaas. 30 1034-1055 lost. Poor w/ YL/OM nx
in Dutch.
COL Antena Dos, Cartagena 30 1034 ID, trop mx. Mixing w/ Aruba.
VEN Ondas Panamericanas, El Vigia 11 1138 "Noticiero Panamericana," Radio
Rumbos like chime. 11 2056 Exc w/ folk mx, "Ondas Panamericanas con la musica
1280 COL R Musical, Bogota 1 0026-0033 Dominant w/ trop mx, ID "Somos
TODELAR, radio professional. Somos Radio Musical, HJKN, 1280 AM. TODELAR esta
en todos partes. Somos TODELAR." Then TODELAR song. Also "En Musical 12-
80, se oye mas vallenato y menos #$%#$%" (the odd characters represent
high-speed gibberish). "En 1995 continuamos haciendo radio en grande para
una Colombia grande." 7 0946 w/ trop mx & sexy-voiced YL ID "Disfruteme.
Soy Musical 12-80" (Enjoy me. I'm Musical 12-80).Thanks to Henrik
Klemetz for clarification on vallenato music.
VEN R Trujillo 7 2143 Exc local reception w/ trop mx, ID "Radio Trujillo,
siempre con la hora."
1290 COL La Voz del Turismo, Santa Marta 14 0955 ID.
VEN R Puerto Cabello 8 0105 Presumed w/ phone-in discussion on how to promote
tourism in Carabobo state.
1290.3 UNID 8 0104-0112 lost. Non-stop trop mx. Very weak & not
hrd again. Per Henrik Klemetz, this was either Ondas del Puerto or La
Voz de Garagoa, both off-frequency at this time.
1300 COL R Reloj, site? 3 0738 Fair w/ ranchera ballads, ID. 7 1010 w/
ID in mess. Which one?
COL R Reloj, Bucaramanga 12 1139 ID & local ads. Fair.
VEN R 1300, Caracas. 30 1026 Fair in mess w/ promo for New Years Eve party,
1310 COL CARACOL station, site? 12 1136 net nx, promo for futbol
coverage, net ID. Either Monteria or Bogota. Suspect Monteria more likely.
COL Microfono Civico, Palermo 14 1000 Looong anthem then s/on ID. Fair, but
quickly lost.
VEN R Andina, Isnotu 7 1330 Local ads, slogan "La senal de los Andes
venezolanos." Into Reportero Andino newscast.
1310.4 UNID traces of audio noted here a couple of times around
1000. Per Henrik Klemetz, this was likely Caracol Basica
1320 COL R El Sol, Giradot 11 2309 w/ RCN ID & local Giradot nx. 12
1141 Presumed w/ RCN ID & ad for bullfights in nearby Armenia.
VEN R Apolo, Turmero 3 0740 Good w/ trop mx, ID. 8 0046-0056 Sp pop mx, ID
"Siguen los exitos en cortes (comerciales?) en Super Radio Apolo, primerisima"
and "...de Apolo y su pueblo, juntos en el primerisimo lugar de sintonia. Todo
exitos en la Super Radio Apolo." 12 1146 w/ "Hora Super Apolo" time check.
Always strong here at night.
1330 COL Antena Dos, Pereira 30 1104 RCN ID, mentions of Risralda. Pgm
"Los Amigos del Campo."
VEN R Los Llanos, Calabozo 30 1058 ID & ads for stores in Calabozo.
VEN R Mundial, Ciudad Ojeda 11 0117 ID "Radio Mundial en taxis, busetas, y
particulares en primer lugar." 11 2047 ID, ads for Ciudad Ojeda anthems.
Frequency on this may be a bit low, but couldn't tell for sure.
1340 COL RCN, site? 7 1012 RCN ID, trop mx. Three listed affiliates.
COL R Uno, Bogota 8 0040 Trop mx, "Estamos en (paranda?), Radio Uno, 1340 AM."
11 1123 Bogota ad string. 14 0943 Same 'paranda' ID (whatever that word is),
trop mx.
1340.2 COL UNID 14 0940 Poor w/ "en Colombia" time check. Tough copy
w/ het.
1350 COL RCN, site? 7 1030 "RCN, la radio de Colombia" ID. 11 1118 RCN
nx, IDs.
COL La Voz de Yopal, Yopal 12 1124 Good w/ Casanare area nx, IDs as both RCN
de Casanare and La Voz de Yopal. Info about transport on the Rio Meta. SW //
5040 was not on.
VEN R Falcon, Puerto Cumarebo 7 1019 Trop mx, "La musica que a usted le gusta
esta en Radio Falcon." Gave phone numbers of 72-9-44 and 72-3-92.
1350.1 COL Antena Dos, Santa Marta 12 1124 caught both net ID & local
ID in mess. 14 0930 ID & program promos.
1359.7 COL CARACOL, site? 7 1033 Poor w/ talk about Feria de Manizales.
11 1110 Poor & fading w/ sunrise. Romantic Sp mx, non stop. 11 2304 CARACOL
IDs, mentions of Cartagena. 14 0715 Trop mx, CARACOL IDs, // 810.
Presumably Radio Reloj in Cartagena, only CARACOL listed on
1360.Henrik Klemetz confirmed that Radio Reloj of Cartagena was off
frequency, although he put them on 1359.8
1370 COL RCN, site? 14 0802 Promo for auto-racing coverage on
RCN/Antena Dos. Several possibilities. Poor under a rel pgm.
VEN R Cumbre, Ejido. Big trop mx stn. Not only dominant in nearby Merida, but
also in Valera & San Cristobal.
1380 COL RCN Tunja 7 1046 Promo for ag pgm "15 anos orientar, 15 anos
informar, 15 anos definitivamente accompandonos en todo los amaneceres ...
Colombia la nuestra ... noticias de ... agropecuaria y la radio de Colombia."
11 2301 local ID as RCN Boyaca, nx.
VEN R Mundial, Caja Seca 11 1103 Ranchera mx, ID u/ RCN. 11 2110 w/ Mundial
net nx. No local ID hrd, only net IDs.
1390 COL La Voz de los Andes, Manizales 14 0706-0730 Strong & clear w/
old style Latin mx, IDs.
1400 COL Antena Dos, site? 11 1053 Net ID. Three listed sites.
COL Em Mariana, Bogota 11 1101 Instr Sp mx, ID. Mixing w/ Antena Dos.
COL Unid 14 0935 u/ Barinas w/ "Amanecer Campesino" pgm of ranchera mx.
Henrik Klemetz notes that this was probably La Voz de la Gran Colombia
. Later: I have had a glance at your web page /Col - Ven fqy listings/ and the inclusion
of logos etc is a definitive improvement.
Re one of your Col unids, one on 1400z, with "Amanecer campesino", I have now
to give you a belated clarification - I don�t know why I haven�t done this
earlier - inasmuch as this stn must have been La V de Cimitarra, not La V de la Gran
Colombia. I remember hearing the program you reported, and after a good deal of
browsing I now find the date, Mar 19, 1995, s/on 0903 w/NA and into "Amanecer
campesino", ments
of Barrio Villa del R�o, Barrio Aurora, provincia ? de Carare etc. Rather
awkward microphone audio and
a couple of RCN promos, and at 0931 apparently a local ID. - I may have talked
to the RCN hq at a later date, confirming that La V de la Gran Colombia was no
longer an affiliate, but La V del Cimitarra was. (In 1994/5, I prepared fqy
listings for RCN).
VEN R 1400, Barinas 31 0132 Trop mx, lottery numbers, Barinas ads. 14 0915-
0940 Folk mx in pgm "Voces y Arperios de Venezuela." Promo "Musica criolla
tiene su lugar de presencia en Voces y Arperios de Venezuela," and "Mas musica
y mas informacion de interes en Voces y Arperios de Venezuela." Henrik
Klemetz notes that the program name should probably be '...
1410 VEN R Simpatia, Valera 7 0045 Romantic pops, "Simpatia, la
emisora donde solo suenan los exitos."
1410.3 COL CARACOL station. 29 0404 HJ nx, ads. 12 1048 CARACOL nx & ID.
CARACOL Velez is listed as variable in '95 WRTH. Radio Guadalajara in
Buga also listed as CARACOL stn.Per Henrik Klemetz, Caracol Velez was
on 1410.4 around this time period.
1420 COL Antena Dos, Ibague 11 1039 Nx, ID // 1480. Heavy QRM.
COL R Reloj, Manizales. 11 1046 ID in mess. Poor.
COL CARACOL, site? 14 0857 CARACOL net ID. Santa Marta or Manizales?
PANAMA Southern Command Network. 14 0855 C&W mx, AFRTS IS, domestic net
nx, then back to C&W at 0905.
1430 VEN R Bahia, Puerto La Cruz 30 0955 Puerto La Cruz ads.
ID simply as "Bahia."Fair w/ QRM. 14 0845-0908 Time check "8:48 en
Bahia," lottery numbers, trop mx. At 0900 into folk mx pgm, "Feliz
amanecer. Con la musica de nuestra tierra, por Bahia."
VEN R Satelite Guacara 8 0021-0034 Pop mx. Slogan "La estacion de las dos
catedrales." (Odd - the station of the two cathedrals.) Promo for
"Venezuela y su Gente" pgm of folk mx, Sundays at dawn. Henrik Klemetz
notes that the slogan should be '...las dos capitales...', or the two
capitals. The station is located midway between two state capitals.
1440 COL RCN, site? 30 0857 RCN ID & nx. Fair. 31 0123 ID, nx. Most likely
Sogamoso, though no local ID hrd.
COL RCN Sogamoso 12 1101 RCN net ID then local Sogamoso nx.
VEN R Sucesos, Tariba 11 0045-0109 Trop mx. Anmts "Radio Sucesos es su lider"
and "Radio Sucesos es su emisora lider en los Andes Venezolanos. Radio Sucesos
-deportiva, musical, noticiosa, y con la mejor programacion de Venezuela para
sus (?) oyentes. Somos un suceso en suradio, senal 14-40 en AM. En toda parte,
la que mas suena es Radio Sucesos. Por eso es la primerisma."
1449.8 UNID 14 0842 Strong open carrier, but nothing at later checks.
1450 COL Antena Dos, Manizales 11 1037 Poor // 1480 u/ QRM.
COL Ondas del Porvenir, Samaca 12 1104 IDs "Ondas del Porvenir, todo por
satelite" and "Mejor programas para una gran audiencia en Boyaca,
Cundinamarca, y Santander. Ondas del Porvenir de Boyaca, Empresa de impulso
desarollo en el campo de las comunicaciones." Ads, into rel pgm "La Iglesia y
la Familia."
VEN R Sonera, Puerto de Altagracia 7 1055-1112 Trop mx, "Sonera, La Autentica"
ID. "La musica que sona sigue sonando. Esta en Sonera 14-50 AM, la (sonemara?)
del Caribe." Ads.
VEN R Jardin, Bocono 7 2248-2309 Poor but alone. ID "Merenque y salsa con
sabor latina" and "(?) latina por la AM, Jardin, la (?)." Ad string.
1469.3 COL R Futurama 11 1026 Local anmts w/ several mentions of Pacho.
1470 COL Ondas del Ibague 11 1012 Folk mx, ID, local anmts.
VEN Union Radio, site? 8 0010 w/ Ads, Union Radio ID, lottery numbers.
UNID 12 1016 Hrd "Esta es la BBC de Londres" in mess. Assumedly some type of
transcription program.
1479.7 COL UNID 12 1008 "Today in History" type feature by two YLs,
into HJ Nx w/ same YLs. Shell ad. Mention "... progreso de Colombia." Shell
ads hrd frequently on CARACOL stations. 14 0835 non-stop trop mx. Also
possible this is Antena Dos (see below) & I didn't note the off-frequency
on the 11th.Per Henrik Klemetz, this was Antena Dos in Bucaramanga.
See also logging below.
1480 COL Antena Dos, Bucaramanga 11 1031 Good & QRM free w/ Romantic
mx, local ID, slogan "La Antena de la informacion." This is not listed in the
1995 WRTH, although was in the 1994.
1490 VEN Dinamica 14-90, Maracaibo 7 2135 Trop mx, "Dinamica 14-90, con
te guesta oyente."
VEN R Merida, Merida. 6 1656 Ranchera mx. ID "Cierto, muy cierto. No vale la
pena cambiarse de dial. Radio Merida, primera en sintonia." Well hrd in
Merida, but not so strong in nearby cities.
1500 COL R Reloj, Moniquira 12 1036 ID in mess.
CURACAO R Hoyer II Willemstad 11 2135-2147 Presumed w/ 2 YLs in Dutch, pop mx.
Poor to Fair.
VEN R Dos Mil, Cumana 12 1033 Presumed w/ ad string & promo for project by
govt of Sucre state. Fair o/u QRM.
1510 VEN Exitos 15-10, Guigue 11 1002 "Buenas dias Segovia" anmt, trop
mx. 12 0942 w/ UTC-4 TCs, mentions Venezuela, YV folk, cartas from Segovia, Ad
for store on the road to Valencia. No ID hrd, but Guigue is near Valencia.
Can't find any Segovia on my Venezulean map.
1520 COL Ecos del Palmar, Bogota 30 0845 Exc w/ trop mx, "Feliz Ano
Nuevo, Colombia, le desea Ecos del Palmar." 31 0120 Trop mx, YL ID. 9 0147
"Ecos del Palmar, tu alegria en vacaciones." 10 0130 "Vacaciones Felices con
Ecos del Palmar" and "Ecos del Palmar, la original del 95." 12 0956 s/on.
VEN R Bonita, Guatire 9 0147 Mixing w/ Palmar w/ romantic mx, "... Con Radio
Bonita, su AM favorita, la mas romantica."
COL RCN 10 0154 Fair & o/ Total w/ RCN IDs, romantic mx. No RCN stn listed on
1530. Perhaps Padilla?
COL R Total, Medellin 10 0152 Folk mx, YL ID & TC. Poor.
1540 BAHAMAS ZNS1, Nassau 10 0201-0215 Political interview pgm with
members of Bahamian press & a govt official. Good. 12 0940 Good w/ Eng rel
pgm. Never a trace of another station hrd on this frequency, not even during
1550 COL R El Sol, Barranquilla 11 2157 RCN & station ID, pops. Phone:
56-44-69. "Radio El Sol, todo por satelite."
COL HJZI, Bogota 8 0003 "HJZI, la verdadera diferencia en radio. Sinceramente
1560 COL Antena Dos, site? 12 1025 Nx & ID u/ the YV. Two listed sites.
VEN R 1560, Merida Extremely strong both in Merida & in nearby cities. Mostly
1570 UNID 14 0730 a threshold signal. Otherwise never got a thing here.
Suspect nothing on 24H in Ven or Col.
1570.3 COL La Voz de los Fundadores, Manizales 9 0134 weak but clear w/
OM talk, ad for discoteca in Manizales, discussion of Feria de Manizales,
but no ID.Henrik Klemetz in Colombia notes that this station began
IDing as Radio Sensacion in December, 1994.
1580 COL HJQZ, Barranquilla 12 0956 S/on ID w/ call ID only.
COL R Reloj 14 0908 Fair w/ Radio Reloj ID, UTC-5 TCs, into ranchera mx. No
Reloj listed.
COL R Robledo, Cartago 9 0119-0134 Trop mx, ID "El Sabor del sonero, aqui de
primero, Radio Robledo."
COL Beverly Hills 15-80 9 0119 & 10 0208 Mix of trop mx & Eng pops. IDs in Eng
as "Beverly Hills 15-80. The Incredible Music Station." Fair & dominant both
times. Had this as an UnID, but see it listed in 1995 WRTH.
1590 COL R Nuestra Senora del Socorro 30 1001-1023 Strong w/ very rural
type programming w/ listener greetings, birthday and obituary anmts, mix
of folk & ranchera mx. Talk on morals. Ad for Ag store.Henrik Klemetz
notes that the correct ID of this one does not include the word
VEN R Deporte, Caracas 30 1017 Briefly faded up for ID u/ Socorro.
1600 COL Armonias Zipaquirenas, Ziparquira 12 0058-0112 w/ string of
ads & anmts. One for a store w/ "the same prices as in Bogota". Assume this
stn as town is only 40 km from Bogota, but perhaps an unlicensed one. Either
off suddenly or lost at 0112.
PUERTO RICO WLUZ Bayamo 12 0115 Presumed w/ several ads mentioned Mayaguez,
then net ID mentioning several PR stations. Into beisbol.
UNID 12 1003 Eng US talk program mixing in mess. Very poor.
UNID 14 0808 Poor w/ blues mx, YL Eng ancr. Weak w/ QRM.
1610 ANGUILLA Carib Beacon 31 0110 Fair w/ ad for a photo lab in St.
Martin, Nx.
1615v COL Unid 12 0132-0147 Apparent unlicensed stn w/ mix
of trop mx, ranchera, and rustic guitar. Very unprofessional ancr
w/ lots of pauses, repititions, etc. UTC-5 TC "en la frontera
colombiana", indicating border area QTH. Good signal but some
deep fades & modulation trouble. Worse was the frequency drifting
back and fourth between about 1614 - 1618 kHz, requiring constant
retuning. Finally gave up on this because almost impossible to
keep good audio on it. As an unlicensed station, this is probably
a very low power operation, so the strong signal also points
towards a nearby border area location. None of the unlicensed
stns listed at the top end of the band in the WRTH are in border
locations, so apparently something else.
This article is copyright 1995 by Don Moore.
It may not be
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Venezulean MW Log
Logs 1000 - 1615 kHz
By Don Moore
VEN R Tachira 11 0138 Ecx w/ ID, ads.
VEN R Aragua, Cagua 5 0245 rel pgm, break for ID as "Aragua Mil-Diez" at
0304, then back to relig. Gave Bible study assignments and then asked for
prayers for President Caldera.
COL UNID 6 1048 RCN net ID, nx. Fair in mess. Could be Antena Dos or
could be LV de los Libertadores, Duitma (much closer geographically).
1070.2? COL Em Atlantico 12 1220 Good w/ ad for air conditioner
store in Barranquilla, into HJ nx. This was off frequency, but unfortunately
I wrote 1220.2 in the FQ space, mixing the FQ & time. Perhaps 1070.2?
COL La Voz de Guaviare, San Jose de Guaviare 1 0602 poor in mess w/ trop mx, 2
IDs, phone-in. SW 6035 covered by VOA, but I had heard it less than an hour
COL R Super, Cali 1 0105 Poor & presumed w/ anmt for an event "aqui en el
departamento de Valle", mixing w/ Antena Dos.
COL R Reloj, Neiva 1 0117 Very poor w/ ID under Antena Dos.
1220.6 COL RCN, Monteria? 1 0119-0124 poor w/ het. RCN IDs "RCN '95, la
revolucion del aire" and "RCN, la radio de Colombia." This // my simultaneous
logging on 1220.0, but clearly a different null on the loop. 12 1149 fair w/
HJ nx. Assumedly this is listed RCN Monteria since San Gil IDed on 1220.0.
VEN R Estelar, Guanare 30 0857 Long anthem, anmts, into folk mx w/ TCs as "La
hora Estelar" after each song.
1460 COL Em Nuevo Continente, Bogota 12 1055 ID in mess. 14 0840 ID,
into "La Biblia Dice" pgm.
VEN R Latina, Valencia 12 1018 Ad string w/ mentions of Valencia & Maracay. 14
0851 w/ pops, "Latina, 24 horas con gusto y sentido."
1530 COL La Voz de la Provincia de Padilla, San Juan del Cesar 11 2147-
2157 w/ "Variedad Musical" pgm, both RCN & local IDs, lots of ads, local
anmts. "Variedad Musical de lunes a viernes en La Voz de la Provincia de
Padilla por RCN, La Radio de Colombia. 4:30 - 5:30, los sesenta minutos mas
divertidos con todo el sur de La Guajira y parte norte de El Cesar." Per a
good HJ map I bought, San Juan del Cesar is located in La Guajira dept, not
far from Valledupar, and not in Cesar as listed in the WRTH address section.
Also not listed as RCN in WRTH.
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.